Von 1975 bis 1979 regierte das Khmer Rouge Regime in der Demokratie Kampuchea. Ziel des Regimes unter Premier Pol Pot war es, einen absolut selbstversorgenen, kommunistischen Agrarstaat frei von fremden Einfluessen zu formen. Zu diesem Zweck wurde die gesamte Stadtbevoelkerung in laendliche Regionen des Landes deportiert und gezwungen, auf den Feldern harte koerperliche Arbeit zu verrichten. Das gesamte Land wurde in ein gigantisches Arbeits- und Gefangenenlager verwandelt. Fast alle Intellektuelle, Aerzte, Kuenstler, Lehrer und ehemalige Beamte wurden gefangen genommen und getoetet, da sie nicht dem Idealtyp des einfachen Bauerns entsprachen und eine Gefahr darstellten. Geld wurde abgeschafft, Buecher verbrannt, Banken, Schulen und Krankenhaeuser geschlossen. Saemtliche Einwohner trugen identische Kleidung und Haarschnitte, jede Form von Unterhaltung ausser der revolutionaeren Lehre war verboten. Jeder Schritt und jede Aeusserung wurden ueberwacht. In der Hauptstadt Phnom Penh wurde eine Schule in das Tuol Sleng (S-21) Gefaengnis umgewandelt, wo insgesamt ca. 20'000 Maenner, Frauen und Kinder inhaftiert und auf grausame Weise gefoltert wurden. Anschliessend wurden die Gefangenen auf dem Killing Field von Choeung Ek getoetet und in Massengraebern verscharrt. Man geht davon aus, dass waehrend der knapp 4 Jahre der Khmer Rouge Aera insgesamt ca. 2 Millionen Menschen starben, viele davon durch Ueberarbeitung, Unterernaehrung und mangels medizinischer Versorgung. Tuol Sleng (S-21) und auch Choeung Ek wurden zu Museen umgewandelt, um die schrecklichen Geschehnisse zu dokumentieren und fuer eine breite Oeffentlichkeit zugaenglich zu machen. Die Knochen, Schaedel und Kleider der Toten wurden nach den Ausgrabungen von 1980 in einer Stupa aufgebahrt. Durch Verwitterungsprozesse kommen aber noch heute sterbliche Ueberreste der Gefangenen zum Vorschein.
From 1975 till 1979 the Khmer Rouge regime, headed by Pol Pot reigned over Democratic Kampuchea. The regimes goal was establish a completely autonomous communist agrarian state which was liberated of any foreign influence. To achieve this mission, the complete urban population was deported to rural areas and forced to do hard physical labor in the agrarian production. The whole country was turned into a gigantic labor- and prisoner camp. Almost every intellectual, doctor, artist, teacher and former civil servant was captured and killed, as they wouldn't fit to the new model of citizen and were seen as a thread to the new regime. Money was abolished, books burned, banks, schools and hospitals were closed. Everyone was wearing the same outfit and hairstyle, any form of entertainment other than the revolutionary teachings was prohibited. Every step and every word was controlled. In the capital of Phnom Penh a school was transformed into the Tuol Sleng (S-21) interrogation prison, were 20'000 men, women and children were captured and brutally tortured. Later on the prisoners were murdered on the Killing Field of Choeung Ek and disposed in mass graves. Scientists estimate that approx. 2 million people were killed during the 4 years of the Khmer Rouge rule, many from excessive labor, malnutrition and the lack of medicinal treatment. Today Tuol Sleng (S-21) and Choung Ek are museums which are documenting the horrors and give the public access to them. After the excavation of the massgraves in 1980, the bones, skulls and clothes of the dead are displayed in a memorial stupa. Due to alteration of the ground remains continue to appear even until today.
From 1975 till 1979 the Khmer Rouge regime, headed by Pol Pot reigned over Democratic Kampuchea. The regimes goal was establish a completely autonomous communist agrarian state which was liberated of any foreign influence. To achieve this mission, the complete urban population was deported to rural areas and forced to do hard physical labor in the agrarian production. The whole country was turned into a gigantic labor- and prisoner camp. Almost every intellectual, doctor, artist, teacher and former civil servant was captured and killed, as they wouldn't fit to the new model of citizen and were seen as a thread to the new regime. Money was abolished, books burned, banks, schools and hospitals were closed. Everyone was wearing the same outfit and hairstyle, any form of entertainment other than the revolutionary teachings was prohibited. Every step and every word was controlled. In the capital of Phnom Penh a school was transformed into the Tuol Sleng (S-21) interrogation prison, were 20'000 men, women and children were captured and brutally tortured. Later on the prisoners were murdered on the Killing Field of Choeung Ek and disposed in mass graves. Scientists estimate that approx. 2 million people were killed during the 4 years of the Khmer Rouge rule, many from excessive labor, malnutrition and the lack of medicinal treatment. Today Tuol Sleng (S-21) and Choung Ek are museums which are documenting the horrors and give the public access to them. After the excavation of the massgraves in 1980, the bones, skulls and clothes of the dead are displayed in a memorial stupa. Due to alteration of the ground remains continue to appear even until today.