Faszinierende Arbeiten von dem Graffiti-Künstler L7m alias Luis Seven Martins. Der Brasilianer paintet unterschiedliche Vogelarten an die Wände von u.a. Endereço und São Paulo. Seine Kunstwerke aus Sprühfarbe haben mich sofort bei Sekunde 1 geflasht. Ich denke vielen geht es genauso. Weitere Werke gibt es auf seiner Flickr-Seite zu sehen.
L7m, was born in the countryside of São Paulo, in 1988, and since very early he started his relationship with art. In his childhood, he had participated of many contests and had also won many cultural awards. When 13 years old he had his first contact with the spray, which opened his eyes for new tecniques and consequently new experiences and mixtures with china ink, latex, pastel and acrylic.