Finde deinen Job in der Spielebranche: 3D Unity Artist bei 3DEXCITE

Finde deinen Job in der Spielebranche: 3D Unity Artist bei 3DEXCITE

Es wird wieder Zeit, dir eine besondere Games-Career Stellenanzeige vorzustellen - diesmal von 3DEXCITE. Als Experte für 3D Visualisierungen, gehört 3DEXCITE zu den führenden Anbietern in der Automobil- und Luftfahrtindustrie. Zum Kundenstamm gehören aber auch Unternehmen aus der Games-Branche und genau da kommst du ins Spiel. Du bist mit Maya oder 3ds Max vertraut, hast idealerweise Erfahrung mit Game-Engines wie Unity oder Unreal und kannst dazu mindestens zwei Jahre Erfahrung in diesem Bereich vorweisen?

Hier haben wir einen Auszug für die freie Stelle als 3D Unity Artist:

As part of the Staging Department you get involved in the gamification of a product for configurator, browser, mobile devices and virtual reality. Your objective is to create an interactive experience that triggers of inducement at the end consumer's side. High-end product visualization meets serious gaming!

Job Responsibilities

Let's talk about your daily business for a while: Once the 3D models are converted to Unity you will edit the lights, shadows and environment of a scene. You will define materials, create shaders and get to animate the car. Finally you aim for enrichment of the scene taking into account special effects such as particles and sound.

While scripting the logic behind a configurator you will ensure the realtime-capability of the application as well as the defined output quality and product correctness.


You should not hesitate to apply for this position when you call these key attributes your own:

  • Preferably educational background in media or game design
  • minimum of 2 years of work experience in automotive, gaming or 3D industry
  • good skills in a game engine (e.g. Unity 3D or Unreal)
  • Strong understanding of Maya or 3ds Max together with a strong sense for product visualization
  • Experience with C# and JavaScript are a plus
  • Fluent English skills, German language skills are a further benefit

We are looking for applicants who work autonomously but at the same time are strong team players. Working organized, accurately, focused and solution-oriented are further key features for this position. You should be able to estimate workloads and adapt to new workflows and processes within our pipeline.

Wirf einen Blick auf die komplette Stellenanzeige, um dich zu bewerben. Weitere Jobs aus diesem Bereich, findest du im Firmenprofil von 3DEXCITE.


About the author

Finde deinen Job in der Spielebranche: 3D Unity Artist bei 3DEXCITE

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