Videotipp: Bibi Bourelly – Riot

Videotipp: Bibi Bourelly – Riot

Bibi Bourelly singt sich ihren Frust von der Seele und spricht in ihrem Track „Riot" davon, dass es sich lohnt zu kämpfen, für Gleichberechtigung, für Individualität, für ein schönes Leben. Ihr Musik-Video zeigt Bilder von aktuellen Szenen, die die Welt bewegen - ob die umstrittenen Wahlkämpfe in den USA, ob Demonstranten auf den Straßen oder Aufnahmen zerstörter Kriegsgebiete. „Wenn etwas nicht stimmt, werdet laut", unterstreicht Bibi gekonnt mit ihrem Song und dem eindrucksvollen Schwarz-Weiß-Clip und erklärt:

Sometimes when I'm on a plane, flying from country to country, city to city, chasing this peculiar dream of mine... I look down at the world beneath me and realize what we really are in the grand scheme of things. If you pay close attention, when the plane is just taking off you can faintly see people in action, living their own lives. It's ironic and charming in a weird way because they're not even aware that someone else is admiring them with fascination from a different angle of the world, as they walk this distinctive earth of ours.
Thousands of tiny, moving heads eventually blend in with the landscape as the aircraft rises higher. The large swaying trees that appear to be so mighty from the ground, shrink into what appears to be green fragments of leaves... and by the time we reach the clouds, everything that we thought to be its own individual thing, every detail of anything that we ever considered to exist on its own, melts into the the scenery and we become one.
We are all one from the clouds
We are not our genders
We are not our religions
We are not our races
We are not our opinions
We are not our doubts, insecurities or fears...
We are not one voice, we are a roaring crowd.
We are the land and sky; We are an ambiguous mixture of every color that exists under the sun.
We are all in this together and we are responsible for each other.
Everything you do or say matters to us, whether you realize it or not.
Love infinitely. At all costs no matter what.
praying 4 Orlando
(and the rest of the entire world.)
Fighting 4 our future.
New society 4 the unity of all.
Yours truly,

About The Author

Videotipp: Bibi Bourelly – Riot

aka SOULGURU // straight outta Coburg (Oberfranken) // wohnhaft in der Nähe von Stuttgart // Jahrgang 61 // musikbegeistert seit früher Kindheit // hauptberuflich in leitender Stellung als Logistiker tätig // Vater von 2 Söhnen // Musik-Blogger seit 2009

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