Same Same But Different

Same Same But Different

Same Same But Different

Jacket / Top - Zara, Cardigan - Asos, Fake Leather Pants - H&M, Shoes - Ebay, Bag - Herself,
Beanie - my Bf's, Bracelets- Souvenir from all over the world, Nails - Claire's  

Same Same But Different
Same Same But Different
Same Same But Different
Same Same But Different
Same Same But Different
Heute hab ich ein Outfit für euch, dass ich unterwegs fotografiert habe. Es gibt Tage, die haben einfach zu wenige Stunden, um Outfits draußen im Licht zu fotografieren... Ich hoffe, euch gefällt das Outfit trotzdem!

Today I have some pictures that we shot on the run. There are days that don't have enough hours to take some pictures outside... I hope you still like that outfit!

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