Friday to go: Military blouse with snake pants

Friday to go: Military blouse with snake pants
Military Blouse: H&M (shoulder details self-made) || snake pants: H&M (new) || statement necklaces: H&M  || studded wedges: Isabella (bought in Italy) || skull clutch: Religion Adorn Range || white leather dog bracelet: Lookbook Store || white studded leather bracelet: Wear closed (bought in Italy) ||  purple woven chain bracelet: ForwardForFashion-Design || gold bracelet: Vintage love the look:FACEBOOK || LOOKBOOK || CHICISIMO ||BLOGLOVIN
Friday to go: Military blouse with snake pants
Friday to go: Military blouse with snake pants
Friday to go: Military blouse with snake pants
Friday to go: Military blouse with snake pants
Friday to go: Military blouse with snake pants
Friday to go: Military blouse with snake pants
Friday to go: Military blouse with snake pants
Friday to go: Military blouse with snake pants
Friday to go: Military blouse with snake pants
Friday to go: Military blouse with snake pants
Friday to go: Military blouse with snake pants
Friday to go: Military blouse with snake pants
Friday to go: Military blouse with snake pants
Friday to go: Military blouse with snake pants
Friday to go: Military blouse with snake pants
Friday to go: Military blouse with snake pants
Friday to go: Military blouse with snake pants

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