Captain Morgan shipwreck found

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Archaeologists from Texas State University diving near the Lajas Reef discovered a large section of hull from what they believe to be Henry Morgan’s flagship, ‘Satisfaction’.

The wreck, which contains numerous unopened cargo Captain Morgan shipwreck foundboxes and coral-encrusted chests, appears to match the age and design of five ships Morgan lost off the reef in 1671.

The team of explorers, led by Fritz Hanselmann, the university’s Chief Underwater Archaeologist, previously discovered six iron cannons that belonged to Morgan nearby.

“To us, the ship is the treasure – the story is the treasure,” Mr Hanselman said. “You don’t have a much better story than Captain Morgan’s sack of Panama City and the loss of his five ships.”

Morgan, of Monmouthshire, Wales, raided Panama City with 1,400 men in January 1671. He preyed on Spanish forces on behalf of the English crown, though his clearance for the Panama attack is disputed.

via Captain Morgan shipwreck found – Telegraph.

1 Kommentar to “Captain Morgan shipwreck found”

Sensationsfund vor Panama: Piratenschiff von Captain Henry Morgan entdeckt |: 9. August 2011 um 23:09

[...] Wrack liege in der Nähe des Lajas Riffes, berichten US-Medien. Von dort initiierte Morgan im Jahr 1671 den größte Coup seiner Karriere: die Eroberung [...]



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