Buddha Mind · holospirit · Coaching & Training, Beratung & Begleitung, Schulung & Persönlichkeitsentwicklung

When the mind recog­ni­zes its­elf to actual­ly be the per­fect and ful­ly empo­we­r­ed Buddha Mind, the abso­lu­te cer­tain­ty of that, is a qua­li­ty of the Buddha Mind its­elf. I say "ful­ly empo­we­r­ed", becau­se it's also recog­ni­zed that it's dimen­si­on of expe­ri­en­ce is con­stant­ly ari­sing as its own potent crea­ti­vi­ty. A sud­den shift occurs at the moment of this recogni­ti­on; the con­ven­tio­nal self iden­ti­ty is seen as a direct crea­ti­ve act of the True Self, or Buddha Mind, but as seen from the per­spec­ti­ve OF... Zum Artikel

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