[Books to Quote for] “Tell the Wolves I’m Home” von Carol Rifka Brunt


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Tell the Wolves_Collage_


“I felt like I had proof that not all days are the same length, not all time has the same weight. Proof that there are worlds and worlds and worlds on top of worlds, if you want them to be there.”


“Maybe I was destined to forever fall in love with people I couldn’t have. Maybe there’s a whole assortment of impossible people waiting for me to find them. Waiting to make me feel the same impossibility over and over again.”


“I knew the way lost hopes could be dangerous, how they could turn a person into someone they never thought they’d be.”


“…maybe I don’t want to leave the planet invisible. Maybe I need at least one person to remember something about me.”


“I suppose I’m in that very small group of people who are not waiting for their own story to unfold. If my life was a film, I’d have walked out by now.”


“I had no idea how greedy my heart really was.”


“Then we left, just me running with my sister, the wolves at our backs.”


“I thought that if I was drowning in the ocean, Finn would be like a strong, polished wooden ship with sails that always caught the wind. And Toby? Well, Toby was more like a big yellow rubber raft that might pop at any moment. But maybe he’d still be there…”


“I only need one good friend to see me through. Most people aren’t like that. Most people are always looking out for more people to know.”


 Words owned by Carol Rifka Brunt


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