Urban Party Outfit New Years Eve

Urban Party Outfit New Years Eve black leather leggings fake fur jacket fringe bag inspiration streetstyle modeblog blogger look samieze bordeaux black asos gina tricot H&M boots

Fotos by fps & Makeup by Yasemin from NewFacesBeauty

Fake Fur Bomber from Gina Tricot (similar here) // Leather Leggings from New Look (similar here) // Long Camisole from Asos (similar here, here) // Fringe Bag from JustFab (similar here) // Booties from H&M (similar here)

Laura hat euch ja gestern schon angedeutet, dass wir (wie fast in jedem Jahr) noch ziemlich planlos sind, was die letzte Nacht des Jahres betrifft. Dementsprechend sollte ein Outfit her, dass flexibel und für mehrere Anlässe denkbar ist. Ich habe mich also für einen Look entschieden, der zwar durch den Materialmix und die edle Farbkombination sehr feierlich ist, in dem man jedoch nicht friert und daher auch einbisschen unterwegs sein kann, Partyhopping ist also mit diesem Outfit möglich ;) Was mir besonders gut daran gefällt ist das schwarze Longtop. Die Silhouette ist zwar eher lang, weit und schwingend. Durch den leicht transparenten Stoff und die hohen Schlitze auf beiden Seiten, ist es dennoch aufregend. Das Sahnehäubchen für mich ist jedoch das tolle Makeup, das mir die liebe Yasemin von NewFacesBeauty gezaubert hat. Wenn der Lippenstift so gut zur Jacke passt, ist der Rest doch fast eigentlich schon egal, oder? ;) Wisst ihr schon, was ihr morgen Abend macht?

Laura already told you yesterday that we (like in every other year) still don’t know where we are going to end up on NYE. Thus I needed to create a look that is flexible, so that it fits many occasions. I decided to go for an outfit that includes an elegant colour scheme and some mixed materials which make it festive but also keeps you warm and is comfy enough to change the location during the night. My favourite piece is the long camisole that adds an interesting silhouette. My personal highlight of the series however is the makeup that lovely Yasemin fom NewFacesBeauty created for me. I am still fascinated how perfectly the lip colour matches my jacket ;) What are your plans for NYE?

Urban Party Outfit New Years Eve black leather leggings fake fur jacket fringe bag inspiration streetstyle modeblog blogger look samieze bordeaux black asos gina tricot H&M boots

Urban Party Outfit New Years Eve black leather leggings fake fur jacket fringe bag inspiration streetstyle modeblog blogger look samieze bordeaux black asos gina tricot H&M boots

Urban Party Outfit New Years Eve black leather leggings fake fur jacket fringe bag inspiration streetstyle modeblog blogger look samieze bordeaux black asos gina tricot H&M boots

Urban Party Outfit New Years Eve black leather leggings fake fur jacket fringe bag inspiration streetstyle modeblog blogger look samieze bordeaux black asos gina tricot H&M boots

Urban Party Outfit New Years Eve black leather leggings fake fur jacket fringe bag inspiration streetstyle modeblog blogger look samieze bordeaux black asos gina tricot H&M boots

Urban Party Outfit New Years Eve black leather leggings fake fur jacket fringe bag inspiration streetstyle modeblog blogger look samieze bordeaux black asos gina tricot H&M boots

Urban Party Outfit New Years Eve black leather leggings fake fur jacket fringe bag inspiration streetstyle modeblog blogger look samieze bordeaux black asos gina tricot H&M boots

Urban Party Outfit New Years Eve black leather leggings fake fur jacket fringe bag inspiration streetstyle modeblog blogger look samieze bordeaux black asos gina tricot H&M boots

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