The Far Out Beat Tape // full stream

The Far Out Beat Tape brings together some of the finest forays into beat-driven electronic music from the label's extensive back catalogue. From classics to rarities, of varying tempos and styles, this mixtape eliminates binary genre classification and carves out a place for Brazil on the map of the global beat diaspora.
When celebrated digger, DJ and Brazilian music connoisseur Joe Davis set up Far Out Recordings in 1994, it was an incredibly exciting time for dance music in the UK. House, techno and rave were splintering off into varying directions, jungle was blowing up and the future was wide open. While Far Out may be more widely known for its modern day iterations of MPB, jazz and samba, it has always kept itself firmly on the cutting edge of electronic music as this release amply demonstrates.

About The Author

The Far Out Beat Tape // full stream

aka SOULGURU // straight outta Coburg (Oberfranken) // wohnhaft in der Nähe von Stuttgart // Jahrgang 61 // musikbegeistert seit früher Kindheit // hauptberuflich in leitender Stellung als Logistiker tätig // Vater von 2 Söhnen // Musik-Blogger seit 2009

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