Ron Trent pays tribute to Brazilian heroes Azymuth for VF Mix 52

Ron Trent pays tribute to Brazilian heroes Azymuth for VF Mix 52

Chicago legend Ron Trent has put together this epic one hour tribute mix that connects 1975's masterpiece Azimüth with Milestone classics like Light As A Feather and Outubro and the band's more recent, mid-90s output on Far Out.

01. Azymuth - 'O Pescador' (Light As A Feather)
02. Azymuth - 'Festa Nativa' (Woodland Warrior)
03. Azymuth - 'Faca De Conta' (Azimuth)
04. Azymuth - 'Tamborim Cuíca Ganza Berimbau' (Águia Não Come Mosca)
05. Azymuth - 'Country Road (Chão de Terra)' (Telecommunication)
06. Azymuth - 'Un Amigo (A Friend)' (Outubro)
07. Azymuth - 'Águia Não Come Mosca' (Águia Não Come Mosca)
08. Azymuth - 'Jazz Carnival' (Light As A Feather)
09. Azymuth - 'Carambola' (Pieces Of Ipanema)
10. Azymuth - 'Avenida Das Mangueiras' (Light As A Feather)
11. Azymuth - 'The House I Lived In' (A Casa Em Que Vivi) (Telecommunication)
12. Azymuth - 'Last Summer In Rio' (Telecommunication)
13. Azymuth - 'Laranjeiras' (Woodland Warrior)

About The Author

Ron Trent pays tribute to Brazilian heroes Azymuth for VF Mix 52

aka SOULGURU // straight outta Coburg (Oberfranken) // wohnhaft in der Nähe von Stuttgart // Jahrgang 61 // musikbegeistert seit früher Kindheit // hauptberuflich in leitender Stellung als Logistiker tätig // Vater von 2 Söhnen // Musik-Blogger seit 2009

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