Pupa Albo Deyah – mixed by Di CAPTAiN // free Reggae Mixtape

Pupa Albo Deyah – mixed by Di CAPTAiN // free Reggae Mixtape

1. Zion Train (Feat. Ky-ManiI Marley)
2. One Sound (Feat. Gramps Morgan)
3. Burnin And Lootin (Feat. Ky-Mani Marley)
4. Right Or Wrong
5. Cant Stand It (Feat. Dennis Brown)
(intro: „cant stand dub" by alborosie)
6. Callin (Feat. Michael Rose)
7. Herbalist
8. Precious (Feat. Ranking Joe)
9. Celebration (Feat. Gentleman)
10. No Cocaine
(intro: „cocaine and dub" by alborosie)
11. Money (Feat. Horace Andy)
(intro: „money money" and „chapter of money" by horacy andy & king tubby)
12. Kingston Town
(intro: „dubbing kingston" by alborosie)
13. Steppin Out (Feat. David Hinds)
14. Rastafari Anthem
(intro: „last war" by zap pow)
15. Rock The Dancehall (Disco Mix)
16. Waan The Herb (Feat. Michael Rose)
17. Tax War
(intro: „higgler move" by junior reid)
18. Rolling Like A Rock
19. Shut U Mouth
20. Games
21. Camilla
22. Raggamuffin
23. International Drama
24. Rocky Road
25. Poser
26. Cry
27. Cant Cool
28. Strolling (Feat. Protoje)
29. Zion Youth (Feat. Sugus)
30. Rich
31. Carry On (Feat. Sandy Smith)
32. Everything (Feat. Roots Radics & Pupa Avril)

compiled and mixed by selector Di CAPTAiN (member of Outernational Sounds)

About The Author

Pupa Albo Deyah – mixed by Di CAPTAiN // free Reggae Mixtape

aka SOULGURU // straight outta Coburg (Oberfranken) // wohnhaft in der Nähe von Stuttgart // Jahrgang 61 // musikbegeistert seit früher Kindheit // hauptberuflich in leitender Stellung als Logistiker tätig // Vater von 2 Söhnen // Musik-Blogger seit 2009

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