Finde deinen Job in der Games-Branche: Customer Support Representative bei GIANTS Software

Finde deinen Job in der Games-Branche: Customer Support Representative bei GIANTS SoftwareAuch diese Woche hat das Games-Career Portal einen interessanten Job für dich in petto. Der Job der Woche kommt diesmal aus Erlangen, genauer gesagt von GIANTS Software. Das Unternehmen ist vor allem durch Simulationsspiele wie Farming Simulator bekannt geworden und sucht ganz aktuell nach Verstärkung in der Kundenbetreuung. Wenn du dich in der Games-Branche wohl fühlst, die englische Sprache nach CEFR C2 beherrschst und idealerweise noch Erfahrung im Customer Support vorweisen kannst, stehen deine Chancen sehr gut, in einem internationalen Team mitzuwirken.

Hier ein kleiner Einblick in die Stellenanzeige:

GIANTS Software is looking for an experienced and motivated Support Representative to reinforce its team in Erlangen, Germany.

The duties of this position primarily include customer support via e-mail, telephone and live chat in multiple languages. We can offer you an exciting work environment within a motivated team and multiple opportunities to grow within the company. You will work in a small, efficient team with minimal supervision. Excellent self-organization and efficiency are key requirements for this position.

We are looking for someone with excellent english skills (CEFR C2) and preferably very good french skills as well (CEFR C1 or better). Some basic knowledge in German is not a necessary requirement, but may facilitate the communication within the company.

Qualifications Required
  • At least 2 years of customer support experience in a technology environment
  • Strong interest in technology, gaming in particular
  • Good problem solving & self-organization skills
  • Excellent, proactive communication skills
  • Very good English skills (CEFR C2)
  • Able to work with supervisor, in a team and completely on your own

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About the author

Finde deinen Job in der Games-Branche: Customer Support Representative bei GIANTS Software

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