Download WinRAR 5.71 Full Crack 32/64 bit + License Key Winrar

Download WinRAR decompression software, this is a specialized software for compressing and decompressing with fast and convenient speed, easy-to-use interface and fast operation to help WinRAR develop more and more although the interface has not changed over time. . Most schools, companies or personal computers in Vietnam and around the world generally use this WinRAR compression and decompression application. The blog has captured that so share with everyone the latest 32-bit and 64-bit installation files including the license key for better use for the job.

Introducing WinRAR software - extract files quickly

WinRAR (64-bit) allows you to open, create and manage different types of compressed files through its intuitive and logical interface. This program provides a complete set of features to manipulate and manage compressed files, and it works smoothly and efficiently.

In short, this is the software to help you compress files, and extract compressed files in many formats. When compressing you can choose to add compression with a password. Simple as that

The reason I like to use WinRAR

Everything has a reason, isn't it !!! Why do so many people like to use WinRAR? Outside, there are other popular decompression software such as 7-Zip or WinZip. But for decades WinRAR is still a symbol of the success of the extraction software.

Beautifully compressed file icon : This is why I chose WinRAR and not other software. when installing and using Winrar, the compressed files .zip, rar will have a small icon in the image of books look extremely beautiful. Meanwhile, other software does not have this icon to help people distinguish between compressed files and normal folders. When using a computer and working with folders with many compressed files, you will find this small icon is more beautiful aesthetics than other software. Because of this, I decided to switch from 7-Zip to Winrar software.

Intuitive interface: When you try to open a ZIP or RAR file, the application automatically takes over and presents the contents of the zip file, so you have immediate access to them. From this main interface window, you can then manage the repository by adding it, repairing or protecting it, all using the tools available at the top of the interface. Even novice users will find their way around this program quite quickly.

Create or add quickly: In addition to allowing you to open compressed files, WinRAR also allows you to create new files or add them to an existing archive. You can do this by dragging and dropping the files or by adding them with controls at the top of the interface.

The functions in the software WinRAR Full

  • High-speed decompression on large files
  • The number of archived files is unlimited.
  • Support many RAR and ZIP decompression formats, can extract CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE, UUE, bz2, JAR, ISO, 7z, Z.
  • Supports NTFS file security and data stream.
  • The interface of WinRAR is now beautiful and suitable for new operating system versions
  • Ability to extract hard files that other software cannot do.
  • WinRAR supports a number of other functions such as: setting a password, adding archives and comments. Even corrupted files can be repaired.
  • Open to see what files are directly inside without extracting.
  • Recommended operating systems: Windows 98, Windows 98 SE, Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10.

And the following you can download and use the latest WinRAR Full software completely free of charge at the following Ngukiemphithien:

Link Download Key - File Ragreg.key

Link Gofile

Link Mshare

WinRAR installation file

Also, to use this software, you need to install a permanent key to prevent annoying notifications when using it.

Enable Full function on WinRAR

People download one more file called rarreg.key. This is a very necessary file to help us activate the Full function of WinRaR. Have you downloaded the installation file and rarreg.key file then complete the steps below.

Step 1: Run the installation file

Download Winrar and click on the download file to install. Click Install

Step 2: Click OK

Step 3: Click Done

Step 4: Click to open WinRAR

Once installed, Winrar will automatically open a folder like the image below. Click on the WinRAR icon in the folder

Step 5: Download the rarreg.key file and drop it into the folder that appears

Step 6: Check the copyright of WinRAR

Click Help> Select About WinRar to check copyright

If the words Unlimited license is successful, click OK.

Instructions for extracting with WinRAR

For files that are compressed in .zip .rar .7zip ... will have the same expression as in the picture.

To extract, right-click on the compressed file and there will be 4 options.

  • Open with WinRAR: preview of what the archive contains
  • Extract files ...: advanced extract
  • Extract Here: extract in the folder where the zip file is located
  • Extract to ...: extract to the folder (you should click on this option

WinRAR tops the list when it comes to programs of this type. It's hard to go too long without having to open some kind of compressed file that Windows can't handle, and so it's worth checking out this app. Try it free for 40 days, but after that, you'll have to buy a license for $ 29 to continue using it.

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