Ich denke jeder kennt es, wenn der Tag nur Stress gebracht hat und man abends etwas schnelles, leckeres zu Essen braucht. Dafür habe ich die perfekte Lösung parat.
Köstliche Avocado-Feta-Nudeln mit Chiligarnelen.
Danach steigt die Stimmung wieder rapide an - Soulfood könnte man es auch nennen.
ZUTATEN für 2 Personen200g Garnelen200g schmale Bandnudeln 100g Feta50g Schmand1 reife Avocado2 EL Limettensaft1 Knoblauchzehe
1 Zwiebel 1 rote ChilischoteÖl, Salz, Pfeffer, Chiliflocken
Kurz vor Ende Knoblauch und Chili dazugeben und mit wenig Salz würzen.8. Die Nudeln abgießen, zurück in den Topf geben und die Fetacreme unterrühren.9. Zum Schluss mit den Chiligarnelen und Chiliflocken anrichten.
{I think everybody knows those stressful days, when you come home and want to eat something fast and delicious. For those cases I've got an awesome solution.
It's called noodles with avocado-feta-cream andchili shrimps.
You will see, after that meal your mood will rise again - so that is why it's actually called soulfood.}
INGREDIENTS for 2 servings
200g shrimps
200g tagliatelle100g feta cheese50g sour cream1 mellow avocado2 tbsp. lime juice 1 garlic clove
1 onion1 red chili pepperoil, salt, pepper, chili flakes
1. Mash feta and sour cream with a fork for the avocado-feta-cream.2. Cut avocado into halves, remove the pit and separate the fruit palp from the skin.
3. Put everything in a high bowl, add lime juice and mix all with a blender shaft.
Subsequently season with salt and pepper.4. Peel onion and garlic clove and cut both into dices.Cut chili pepper lengthways, remove cores and cut into small pieces.5. Peel shrimps, carve along the backside and remove the dark intestine.Wash shrimps carefully and blot dry. 6. Cook noodles according to packaging instructions. 7. Braise onion in a pan with oil, add shrimps for about 3minutes and finally add garlic and red chili pepperSeason with salt.
8. Drain noodles and a give back into the pot. Add avocado-feta-cream and stir well.
9. Before serving add shrimps and season it with chili flakes.