800 Pages of near-death-experiences for the Reader: “Winter” (Lunar Chronicles #4)

Yes! YES YES YES YES! I'm sorry, but in my very unhappy phase this time of the year I've totally forgot that there were great books for me to read. How could I've possibly forgotten "Winter"? And "Firewalker" which I finished on Friday. I've read three books over the past three days. I had literally no life besides putting my nose between those pages. And I'm so happy I did it - so I can tell you why you should get your nice little bum up and go to the next store to order you "Winter" - or "Cinder (#1)" if you haven't started on the series, yet!
800 Pages of near-death-experiences for the Reader: “Winter” (Lunar Chronicles #4)

One of my problems I'm facing: I can't tell you much from the plot because so much action is happening, my brain is still overflowed with emotions. I can't...even ...
Okay, enough kidding. You want an epic showdown? You want to see that b*tch of a Queen (Levana) go down? .... and you want to experience some very deep emotions from all ranges (from anger, hatred, shock to pure happiness (okay the last one just a little bit))? Get the frigging book! (I've read that word ("frigging") in "The Woman Who Stole my Life" a week ago and I'm forcing myself to find it less funny because it actually isn't that funny...)

800 Pages of near-death-experiences for the Reader: “Winter” (Lunar Chronicles #4)

All the other book bloggers out there take notes (this is really intelligent) and structure their posts (which is even more intelligent) - but I'm guessing this blog is as messy as my brain (I promise I'll improve myself). I'm truly sorry for that. I thought about re-starting this blog, with real structure, with discipline and with hard work - than I thought: Why now? You did this for fun, not to please anyone ... really.
Here's the deal. Over my free time until February (... give me some more time, okay?), I'll deal with my blog. With my content. And with my ideas. I'm going to get some structure in here, some more discipline and basically a little less ... of a mess.

Ops, I lost my focus. Again. See what happened? Okay, back to the book. Why should you read the final book (bad question - if you have read the three books before you are already a fan, so we'll skip that part). Let me rephrase: Why should you start a series with four books, who are just "YA-Novels".
Because their fun. So much frigging fun. (Ops, I did it again. .. I made you believe.... nananana.. No, wait. Sorry.)

800 Pages of near-death-experiences for the Reader: “Winter” (Lunar Chronicles #4)

You want facts? I'll give you facts - let's count points. It has Cinder (+1), Kai (+1), Cress (+1), Scarlet (+1), Thorne (+1), Wolf (+1) .. [skip the characters and add +30 or so], it takes place (not only in) space (I MEAN SPACE! STARS! SHIPS! A FRIGGING PLANET CALLED LUNA!) [+100], it has character developments, hundreds of turn-around-moments and moments you want to strangle the b*tchy bad guys. It's awesome.

+1 - I like Winter, the little insane princess. Sometimes she is so insane, everything makes sense. Wait. Did I just say that? That's insane. Damn.

Surely, you've noticed that my neutral point of view on this book vanished as soon as I've read the last word. 800 pages guys - 800 pages of JOY!

GET UP AND GET IT (that frigging book (ok. last time. I swear)

Franzi is back.

Lots of love x

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