YouTube's Google+ Player

Google+ added a small YouTube icon that’s always displayed next to the scrollbar. When you mouse over the icon, you’ll see a search box that asks you “what would you like to play?”. Type your query and Google+ opens a pop-up window with 20 search results. It’s actually a playlist and videos start playing automatically.YouTube's Google+ Player
You can +1 a video you like or share it with your circles. When you share a video, Google also adds a link to a playlist with related videos.The nice thing is that you can minimize the pop-up window and still be able to pause a video or go to the next video directly from Google+. This is especially useful for music.YouTube's Google+ Player“It’s no secret that YouTube is filled with tons of great content (from inspiring speeches to music videos to honey badgers). We wanted to bring YouTube directly into Google+ — as well as make it easier to watch and share your favorites — so we’re launching a YouTube ‘slider’ in the stream,” mentions Google’s Vic Gundotra.What about a Google Music player?{ Thanks, Thomas, Benjamin and Herin. } YouTube's Google+ Player YouTube's Google+ Player YouTube's Google+ Player YouTube's Google+ Player from Google Operating System Originally published November 03, 2011 at 07:55PM
here posted through Google Reader

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