Will Smith & Margot Robbie sprechen über “Focus”

In dieser Woche startet Focus von den Regisseuren Glenn Ficarra und John Requa ( Crazy, Stupid, Love) in den Kinos. In den Hauptrollen sind Will Smith und Margot Robbie zu sehen, als professioneller Betrüger und Hochstapler nimmt sich Smith der Anfängerin Robbie an um sie in seinem Berufsfeld auszubilden. Die beiden Darsteller haben iamrogue ein Interview zu Focus gegeben, aus dem ihr hier einige Ausschnitte lesen könnt.

Margot Robbie über den Telefonanruf, der sie darüber informierte dass sie neben Will Smith für die Rolle in Focus vorsprechen kommen sollte.

It was six in the morning and I'd been swimming when I got the call saying, 'You need to be doing an audition with Will Smith tomorrow in New York, so your flight's booked for tonight.' And I was like, 'Tonight?! Oh, my god!' I asked the lady at the hostel I was staying at, 'How do I get off this island? I need to go to the mainland.' She was like, 'Oh, there's only one boat a day, and it leaves in 20 minutes.' I was like, 'Oh, my god!,' and grabbed all my stuff. I probably left half of it in the hostel. I raced and got a catamaran, and then got a bus and got another bus, and got to the airport. I waited eight hours, and then I went to France. And then, I went to New York. By the time I got to New York, I'd not slept for well over two days. They had lost my luggage and my audition was about seven hours away. So, I walked into the audition in wet sneakers and denim shorts and a pajama shirt, which was the only dry thing I had before they lost my luggage. I was like, 'I cannot meet Will Smith in my pajama shirt.' So, I went to Top Shop and grabbed this top and then walked in. I looked horrendous.

Will Smith über den Moment in dem er wusste, dass Margot Robbie die richtige für die Rolle war.

I'll go off the script, every once in a while, which is a big test. If you go off of the script, you'll see what kind of person will go with you. So, in the middle of the audition, I went off script. And she ad-libbed back, 'Oh, you're such a dick!' It was absolute complete fearlessness and complete comfort.

Will Smith über die Veränderungen seit dem Misserfolg von After Earth und seinen neuen Mut, den er mit Focus gefunden hat.

For me, this film really marks a transition in my life, emotionally and in my career. After the failure of After Earth, a thing got broken in my mind. I was like, 'Oh, wow, I'm still alive. Actually, I still am me, even though the movie didn't open at number one. Wait, I can still get hired on another movie.' In my mind, my entire, Mr. July, Big Willie Weekend, number one for eight in a row all collapsed, and I realized that I still was a good person. So, when I went into Focus, I completely released the concept of goal orientation and got into path orientation, with this moment, this second, these people, this interaction. It is a huge relief for me to not care whether or not Focus is number one or number ten at the box office.

Derweil verweist Margot Robbie noch einmal auf die Stärken der Regisseure und dass diese IHREN Fokus nicht verloren haben.

John and Glenn always said, from the beginning, that at the core of it, it was a love story, and what they do best is tell love stories. I think it's pretty amazing that we didn't lose that, with all the heists and things that were happening around it. That was the most important part of the story.

Und Will Smith ergänzt, weist darauf hin dass es sich in dem Film um mehr als nur Betrügereien innerhalb der Handlung dreht.

We say the word con, but it's so far beyond a con. It is a deep and powerful perception of how the human mind works. It's human behavior. Those ideas are just so intriguing and exciting. And as an actor, you're playing one scene, but then there's another scene, that's the real scene, that's actually going on. And beneath that, the audience is getting played, at the same time.

Das komplette Interview könnt ihr auf iamrogue lesen. Focus kommt am 5. März 2015 in die deutschen Kinos. Will Smith und Margot Robbie werden für Suicide Squad von Warner Bros./DC erneut zusammen vor der Kamera stehen, dann als die Superschurken Deadshot (Smith) und Harley Quinn (Robbie).

Habt ihr vor Focus zu sehen und was erwartet ihr euch von dem Film? Die Kommentare stehen euren Meinungen offen! Ich für meinen Teil glaube tatsächlich daran, dass Will Smith zu alter Stärke zurückfinden wird, gerade mit der aufstrebenden Australierin Margot Robbie an seiner Seite. Was meint ihr?

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