Das ganze spielt sich an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in München ab. Auf der Webseite des Chemikers Thomas Klapötke ist folgendes zu lesen:
Welcome to our Research Group
Prof. Dr. Thomas M. Klapötke
Chair of Inorganic Chemistry
fluorine, halogen and nitro chemistry:
research for science and military
a past to build a future on
Primary areas of interest
Uni München
Der Wissenschaftler nutzt Verbindungen der Stickstoffwasserstoffsäure, Azide, für diese Bombe. Die genaue Zusammensetzung ist natürlich geheim.
Wer finanziert so etwas? Auch das kann nachgelesen werden:
Support for work in this area has been provided by the German Federal Office for Defense Technology and Procurement (BWB), the Bundeswehr Research Institute for Materials, Fuels and Lubricants (WIWEB), the US Army Research Laboratory (ARL), the European Research Office (ERO) and the US Navy (NSWC, Indian Head).
Auch die „Zielvorgaben“ werden aufgezählt:
The synthesis of energetic, non-nuclear materials for military and space application has been a long term goal in our research group. Some of the current challenges that face energetic material scientists are:
•Different target types: Tunnels and caves have become more important as the worldwide war against terrorism tracks groups such as Al Qaeda to the remote areas of the Mid-East.
•Time-critical targets: Rapid response to attack the target before it moves is critical.
•Minimization of unwanted effects: Low Collateral Damage Munitions, i.e. munitions that cause little damage aside from damage to the intended target, have become more important as sites of military interest are increasingly co-located with civilian population centers.
•Continuing interest in insensitivity: Insensitive Munitions for reduced vulnerability of munition stores and increased survivability of munitions that are subjected to very stressful conditions under their normal usage are important from an economic standpoint, but even more so from the point of view of lives saved and military missions completed.
In general, the survivability increases with:
- low observable plumes (Fig. 1)
- ballistic protection
- long-range
- deep-targeting
- early attack
- first round kill
Ich bezweifle, das unsere Bundesparlamentarier über diese und ähnliche „Forschungsprojekte“ im Namen des „Friedens“ informiert sind.
Vor vielen Jahren schon hat man die Neutronenbombe als saubere Bombe bezeichnet, da sie zuverlässig unzählige Menschen töten kann, aber die Infrastruktur erhalten bleibt.
Nimmt denn dieser Irrsinn überhaupt kein Ende mehr?