Ja, die letzten Tage waren wir hin und hergerissen. Nein, nicht von der Entscheidung, ob wir diese Woche mal ohne Schokolade auskommen oder nicht. Die ist bei meinem Konsum sowieso hinfällig. Oh nein, vielmehr stolperten wir die letzte Woche immer wieder über das Wort "Kreativ-Blog Award"...ein Wettbewerb, den die Frauenzeitschrift Brigitte gerade für Blogger ausgerufen hat...gesucht wird der kreativste Blogger Deutschlands...Jeden Monat sucht die dreiköpfige Jury, bestehend aus Stefanie Luxat, Ressortleiterin der Brigitte in den Bereichen Living, Kochen, Reisen und Autorin des Blogs Ohhh...Mhhh, Claudia Helming, DaWanda-Chefin und Holly Becker, Autorin des erfolgreichen Wohnblogs decor8, die drei kreativsten Blogs aus. Die jeweiligen nominierten Blogger/innen dürfen dann innerhalb von 2 Wochen ein eigenes neues DIYprojekt bei Brigitte.de vorstellen. Die Online-Leser entscheiden welche Idee jeden Monat das Rennen macht. Am Ende des Jahres werden dann von der Jury aus den nominierten Blogs die drei Gewinner des Kreativ-Blog Awards 2012 gewählt. Aber was erzähl ich, ihr wisst das sicherlich schon...;)...oder etwa nicht? Uns so haben wir uns dann doch entschlossen uns diesen Event nicht entgehen zu lassen...als kreativen Anreiz sozusagen...wir wollen ja schon länger mal mehr von frauheuberg zeigen. Also rein ins spannende Getümmel und in freudiger Erwartung auf eure hoffentlich zahlreichen herzlichen Klicks...freuen wir uns...;)...lieben Dank...
Yes, the last day we were out and torn. No, not of the decision whether we get by this week without chocolate or not With my consumption, this Question is obsolete anyway. Oh no, instead we stumbled repeatedly over the word "Kreativ-Blog Award" ... a blog award competition which the women's magazine Brigitte has just called out for bloggers ... they are looking for the most creative blogger of Germany ... Every month the three-member jury, consisting of Stefanie Luxat, Resort Director of Brigitte in the areas living, cooking, traveling and author of the blog Ohhh ... Mhhh, Claudia Helming, DaWanda - Head and Holly Becker, author of the sucessful interior blog decor8, choose the three most creative blogs The nominees bloggers may then create within 2 weeks an individual new DIYproject for Brigitte.de. The users decide then which idea each month wins the race. At the end of the year the jury will be chosen the three winners of the Kreativ-Blog Awards 2012 from the nominated blogs. But what I tell, you probably already know this ...;)...right, or not? In any case, we decided not to miss this exciting event ... as a creative encouragement so to speak ...For longer times now we want to show more creative projects by frauheuberg So we jump into the exciting bustle with anticipation of hopefully many warm clicks of you ... we are looking forward ...;)...merci...
(image / sreenshoot from Brigitte.de)
Yes, the last day we were out and torn. No, not of the decision whether we get by this week without chocolate or not With my consumption, this Question is obsolete anyway. Oh no, instead we stumbled repeatedly over the word "Kreativ-Blog Award" ... a blog award competition which the women's magazine Brigitte has just called out for bloggers ... they are looking for the most creative blogger of Germany ... Every month the three-member jury, consisting of Stefanie Luxat, Resort Director of Brigitte in the areas living, cooking, traveling and author of the blog Ohhh ... Mhhh, Claudia Helming, DaWanda - Head and Holly Becker, author of the sucessful interior blog decor8, choose the three most creative blogs The nominees bloggers may then create within 2 weeks an individual new DIYproject for Brigitte.de. The users decide then which idea each month wins the race. At the end of the year the jury will be chosen the three winners of the Kreativ-Blog Awards 2012 from the nominated blogs. But what I tell, you probably already know this ...;)...right, or not? In any case, we decided not to miss this exciting event ... as a creative encouragement so to speak ...For longer times now we want to show more creative projects by frauheuberg So we jump into the exciting bustle with anticipation of hopefully many warm clicks of you ... we are looking forward ...;)...merci...
(image / sreenshoot from Brigitte.de)