Videotipp: Neneh Cherry – Natural Skin Deep

Mein Lieblingstrack aus dem aktuellen und empfehlenswerten Neneh Cherry Album „Broken Politics" hat jetzt auch ein Video bekommen.

Das Video für 'Natural Skin Deep' wurde von der aufstrebenden Künstlerin und Filmemacherin Akinola Davies gedreht. Akins Arbeit konzentriert sich auf gesellschafts-politische Fragen. Akin hat bereits Musikvideos für Blood Orange (Charcoal Baby) Klein, (Marks Of Worship) sowie Filme für Modemarken wie Kenzo gedreht.

Akin über das Video:

"so what I'll say is we filmed the video with a large and beautiful cast in Beiruit, Lebanon. Much of my work is community centric, be it global or local community. It's important that we all see ourselves reflected in art. Equally it's about whether our relationship with materialism is making us more apathetic to what's going on around us? Neneh being this global icon and the name of the album being called Broken Politics lent itself to having more intent within the various themes. There is a lot going on in video truth be told, I went to see Neneh play at Village underground and everyone whipped out their phones to film her, so much so I got asked by this guy to move because I was in the way of his phone. Seemed quite ironic that the world is right here in front of us, really 360 degree drama. Instead of communicating through screens maybe we're all consuming it through screens."

Four Tet hat für 'Natural Skin Deep' Ornette Colemans 1969er Track "Growing Up" gesampelt, auf dem Neneh Cherrys Vater Don Cherry das Kornett spielt.

Lyrisch ist Neneh unerbittlich dabei, die Kolonisation zu richten; "Here's one for The Great Sioux Nation/ Bla bla bla for a generation/ no living on station/ pumping that black gold over the hill/ recycle evolution while killing free will, free will".

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