Videopremiere: MATTIS – Fade Into Myself

MATTIS, der dänische Sänger mit der tiefen Stimme veröffentlicht heute das Video zu seinem neuen Track 'Fade Into Myself', in dem er in Kombination mit seiner kontrollierten Kopfstimme ein Universum aus starkem Songwriting und eingängigen Melodien entstehen lässt, das er selbst als Viking Soul bezeichnet.

Auf 'Fade Into Myself' greift der ehemalige Punk eines der wichtigsten und relevantesten Themen unserer aktuellen Zeit auf:

"' Fade Into Myself' is about loneliness in the sense of never being present where you are. It's about spending time looking into your phone instead of appreciating the moment and it's about living in a world that constantly tries to get you away from the present - tries to take you away from all that really matters and all there ever will be: The moment right here right now. The music video is also inspired by these themes. The hands and the shadow girl in the nightmare are all the things and feelings that are trying to get your attention and make you feel trapped in your own world, waking up alone, never really sleeping, never really awake.
The song might be punk and upbeat but behind it all are all these melancholic feelings of being in a state of mind and a world you just want to break free from."

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