Videopremiere: Jerry Paper – Your Cocoon

Erstellt am 18. Juli 2018 von Uwe Reuß @SOULGURUsounds

Lucas W. Nathan aka Jerry Paper kündigt heute sein neues Album Album „Like A Baby"
(VÖ 12.10.2018) bei Stones Throw Records mit einem sehr coolem Musikvideo an.

Lucas W. Nathanüber das Video:

„We start with A.I. Jerry in a chaotic world of various symbolic artifacts and garbage, like the dream world of the unconscious, and he is raised up by the clown to the vacuum of space to be transformed into a version of the clown himself. The video depicts an inter-dimensional clown trying to bring himself happiness by impressing his visage onto the world around him, in this case A.I. Jerry's head, just as the character in the song tries to bring stability to their world by asserting their constructed Self onto the world around them, a world over which they ultimately have no control. Both are about the attempt to control the world through the attempt to control oneself. Also, I've been really drawn to clowns since I had a series of profound experiences in the DMTrealm with an inter-dimensional clown-entity, which is a story for another time, so they end up making appearances more often than not."

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