Informationen zu dem Wiener Fotografen Gerald Zugmann sind auf dessen Portfolio-Website bzw. in seinem Online-Bildarchiv zu finden.
Architecture has long been the subject that has dominated Gerald Zugmann`s work, but his photography has, from the outset, aimed at more than the simple reproduction of architectural reality. His black and white photographs are portraits: pictures that attempt to capture the essence of a building – its personality as it were. These eminently artistic and sensitive interpretations using the camera have resulted in Gerald Zugmann being a much soughtafter partner for architects and one of the most respected photographers. The choice of the architectural projects shown is purely subjective and illustrates the work of five Austrian architects (Coop Himmelblau, Günther Domenig, Boris Podrecca, Carl Pruscha and Peter Noever). The book is completed by photographs of the tomb (Tomba Brion) by Carlo Scarpa in S. Vito d`Altivole, the radical architectural concept of which links it to the work of Gerald Zugmann.
Gerald Zugmann – Architecture in the BoxVerlag Springer Vienna 1995
gebundene Ausgabe, 164 Seiten, englisch
leichte Gebrauchsspuren
Format 34,4 x 27,3 x 2 cm
ISBN-10: 3211826890
ISBN-13: 978-3211826898
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