#Update – April 201

Hello there!
(My skills in the category "How to greet Readers nicely" haven't really improved.)

I thought, it was time for an Update-post, because I seemed to have vanished.

Just finished: "I am Grimalkin (Spook #9)"

#Update – April 201

Well, a few weeks ago I wrote a German post, that I've ordered the 9 missing Spook-books (because they never got translated into German) ... and I'm really sorry, but I couldn't stop reading. I feel a little bit drugged but can't help it. Currently, I'm reading Book No. 10 "Spook's Blood".

#Update – April 201

Don't worry - for those of you who don't know the "Spook-Series" (I won't say shame on you, because I rediscovered them just a few weeks ago myself), a #QuickTip will be up soon ;)

Remember those?

#Update – April 201#Update – April 201

Yes, I promised to read these two beauties, but the "Spook-Series" is like the new toy in town and all the other toys have to deal with a high amount of "I'm-currently-neglecting-every-damn-book-okay?-Deal-with-it!". But I'll catch up.

... but not after I've finished these precious ones.

#Update – April 201#Update – April 201#Update – April 201#Update – April 201

Unfortunately, Uni (or as you call it "college") is starting Monday and after taking a good look on my schedule I realised, that I have to get myself WiFi on the train or I'll be damned. No, it's not that bad, but I'll post whenever I'm feeling like it (that might be 5 days a week or just one or two post's. We'll see, won't we?)

Thank you so much for reading this and reading other posts (there are 61 clearly crazy people who decided to follow me. That's so sweet! But, seriously, people, what is wrong with you? (I'm blushing right now)) If you feel like leaving a comment, I'd be glad to answer as quick as possible ;)

Has anybody read the Spooks-Series or is going to? Whatever it is, feel free to share your thoughts!

See you soon and have a great day (I'm going to cook Noodles now, because Noodels are great. Did you know, that I used to spell Noodles NODDLES? ... Well, now you know.)

#Update – April 201

Sending you a big hug! (and lots of Spaghetti!) xx


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