Top Ten 2011 || Redaktion und Freunde

Erstellt am 27. Dezember 2011 von Conorocko
Top Ten 2011 || Redaktion und FreundeVolker Dickerhoff (Cpr)
Caleya - Trymmermensch
Fleet Foxes - Helplessness BluesLa Dispute - WildlifeAgent Fresco - A long Time ListeningBlueneck - RepetitionsPianos become the Teeth - A lack LongafterBon Iver - Bon IverJeniferever - SilesiaOther Lives - Tamer AnimalsElbow - Build a Rocket Boys

Top Ten 2011 || Redaktion und FreundeMarc Michael Mays (Cpr)Bon Iver - Bon IverJeniferever - SilesiaFinal Days Society - Our is not a Caravan of despairFarewell Poetry - Hoping for the invisible to igniteCaleya - TrymmermenschKäfer K - Von scheiternden MühenOur Ceasing Voice - When the Headline hit HomeThis will Destroy You - Tunnel BlanketJonas David - Keep the TimesThe End of The Ocean - Pacific Atlantic

Top Ten 2011 || Redaktion und FreundeBianca Hartmann (Cpr)
Adolar - Zu den Takten des Programms
Koeter - EP
Mikroboy - Eine Frage der Zeit
Touché Amoré - Parting The Sea Between Brightness And Me
La Dispute - Wildlife
Dear Reader - Idealistic Animals
Samiam - Trips
Conmoto - Cut Cut Cut
Sir Simon - Good Night, Dear Mind
Cant - Dreams Come True 
Top Ten 2011 || Redaktion und FreundeDenise Dalschen (Cpr)Sigur Ros - Inni
Kokomo - If wolves
Laura - Twelve hundred times
Man an ocean - Scence from another day
65daysofstatic - Silent running
September Malevolence - Our winters unwrung
Followed by ghosts - Still, here
Caspian - You are the conductor & the four trees
Her Name is Calla - Kinship: the full cycle
This will destroy you - Black Dunes
Top Ten 2011 || Redaktion und FreundeJennifer Woronow (Cpr)Casper – XOXO
Björk – Biophilia
La Dispute – Wildlife
Russian Circles – Empros
Fleet Foxes – Helplessness Blues
Blueneck – Repetitions
Grails – Deep Politics
And So I Watch You From Afar – Gangs
Tom Waits – Bad As Me 
Khuda - IecavaArne Gesemann (Noiseolution Rec.)
The Kills – Blood Pressures
La Faro – Easy Meat
Fucked up – David comes to life
Casper - Xoxo
Conmoto – cut cut cut
Manchester Orchestra – Simple Math
Graveyard - Hisingen Blues
Amplifier - TheOctopus
T.V on the Radio - Nine Types of Light
Wu Lyf - Go tell the Mountain

Lennart Eicke (Leoniden)
Findus - Mrugalla 
James Blake - James Blake 
When Saints Go Machine - Konkylie 
Battles - Gloss Drop 
Tom Waits - Bad as Me 
Trip Fontaine - Lambada 
Turbostaat - Island Manöver 
Crystal Fighter - Star of Love 
Tom Waits - Bad as me 
Beirut - The Rip Tide

Olli Kunz (Conmoto)
Conmoto - Cut Cut Cut
Wolves like us - Late Love
Adele - 21
Mark Brandis - Pilgrim 2000
13&God - Own Your Ghost
Samiam - Trips
Tommy Guerrero - Lifeboats and Follies
Thrice - Major/Minor
The Equal Men - same
Blackmail - Anima Now

Yannic Pöpperling (Arroyo)
Bon Iver - Bon Iver
Thrice - Major/Minor
Touche Amore - Parting The Sea Be...
Radare - Hyrule
Hammocks - City Of Gold
La Dispute - Wildlife
Tyler The Creator - Goblin
William Fitzsimmons - Gold In The.....
Ben Howard - Every Kingdom
Gotye - Making Mirrors

In der ersten Januarwoche kommen die Jahrespoll Ergebnisse und ihr erfahrt wer eines der 3 Überraschungspakete bekommt.