Thursday to go: ripped and fringed

Thursday to go: ripped and fringed
ripped jeans: selfmade || bandeau top, fringed ying yang top: H&M || kitten heels: Zara || bag: Furla || earrings: H&M || watch: Pink Forest || Textured Disco Ball Bracelet: Forward for Fashion || Woven Chain Bracelet: Forward for Fashion

love the look:FACEBOOK || LOOKBOOK || CHICISIMO ||BLOGLOVINIn this outfit I combined a few of my current favorites: clearly, the ripped jeans! The weather allows us two wear long pants and jackets this summer again and again. So I can't have enough of my selfmade ripped jeans.  But also the "festival look" with fringed tops got me excited. Last but not least: kitten heels! For anyone who enjoys the feeling of heels, but still not in the mood for high heels. How do you like the look?

In diesem Outfit habe ich ein paar meiner momentanen Lieblinge vereint: ganz klar, die Ripped Jeans! Sobald das Wetter uns allen paar Tagen einmal wieder erlaubt lange Hosen und Jacken zu tragen, bin ich in absoluter Versuchung diese Jeans anzuziehen. Aber auch der "Festival Look" bin gefransten Tops hat es mir sehr angetan. Zu guter letzt die Kitten Heels! Für jeden der gerne das Gefühl von Absätzen unter sich hat, aber dennoch nicht in der Stimmung für High Heels ist. Wie gefällt euch der Look?love,Verena

Thursday to go: ripped and fringed
Thursday to go: ripped and fringed
Thursday to go: ripped and fringed
Thursday to go: ripped and fringed
Thursday to go: ripped and fringed
Thursday to go: ripped and fringed
Thursday to go: ripped and fringed
Thursday to go: ripped and fringed
Thursday to go: ripped and fringed
Thursday to go: ripped and fringed

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