ThomasCook 70.3 Ironman Triathlon Alcudia, Mallorca

Von Pureglamtv @pureglamtv
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Der ThomasCook 70.3 Ironman Triathlon in Alcudia, Mallorca wird nun zum 4. Mal seit 2010 veranstaltet und wurde innerhalb der kurzen Zeit bereits der weltgrößte Triathlon in der 70.3 Distanz in puncto Teilnehmer und ich war dieses Jahr noch kein Teilnehmer, aber ein sehr genauer Beobachter und fasziniert vom Event.

Der Beginn in der Früh – Warmschwimmen bei 18°C Wassertemperatur – Frühstücken

Während es für die fast 3.800 Teilnehmer des ThomasCook Ironman Triathlons an das Warmschwimmen und die Vorbereitungen für für die ca. 4 Stunden Tortur ging, habe ich auf der gegenüberliegenden Terrasse erst einmal ein schönes Frühstück eingenommen, die Aussicht aus der VIP Lounge war fantastisch und die Anspannung bei vielen Teilnehmern, wie aber auch bei mir als Zuschauer – unglaublich.

Es war mir vorab gar nicht klar, dass ein Triathlon so eine Faszination ausüben kann, die gewissenhaften Vorbereitungen der Profis, wie auch der Amateure war schon besonders und ich habe schon gedanklich das schöne Schoko-Croissant gegen die ersten Bahnen im Mittelmeer getauscht. Auch wenn mir ein Hotelpool mit 32°C eigentlich lieber wäre, hätte ich fast die 18°C Wassertemperatur akzeptiert (und es später noch gemacht)

Der Startbereich des ThomasCook Triathlons glich bereits 60 Minuten vor dem ersten Countdown der Profis einer faszinierenden Chill-Out-Lounge, laute Musik, die Hektik der Teilnehmer in der Vorbereitung überall zu sehen und doch an einigen Orten, Sportler zurückgezogen, in sich gekehrt und in dem eigenen Tunnel. Ob ich das auch könnte? So abschalten für eine 4-6 Stunden pure Qual und der Erleichterung bei der Ziellinie? Wollte ich es wirklich herausfinden?

Der erste Countdown – 5 Minutes! 3 Minutes! 60 Seconds! Start!

Was man dann wahr nimmt ist eine große Wasserwelle die entsteht, die männliches Profis starteten als erste Teilnehmer um 07.55 Uhr in das kalte Wasser und ein großes Wassergewühl war auch von der gegenüberliegenden Seite wahrzunehmen. Ein Lärmpegel durch die Schwimmer, der fast die Musik übertönte und eine Gruppe von Bademützen schob sich durch das Wasser. Für mich hieß es nun – auch zu starten und die Schwimmer vor dem ersten Wechsel zu fotografieren. Den Strand hinauf, gesäumt von unzähligen Zuschauern, eigenen Familienmitgliedern und vielen Sportfans aus aller Welt. Die Schwimmer benötigten für die 1,9 Kilometer Strecke fast  weniger Zeit, als ich auf normalen Schuhen von der VIP-Zone zum Strand. Unglaublich!

Die Feuchtigkeit der Athleten war direkt zu spüren, noch auf dem Weg zur Wechselzone wurde der Neopren-Anzug geöffnet um keine Zeit zu verlieren, die Wassertropfen spritzen und die Zeiten für ein Foto waren begrenzt. Schnell den am Vortag präparierten blauen Beutel greifen und anschließend entweder barfuss (wenn die Schuhe am Rad fixiert sind) oder auf den Schuhen für das Fahrrad durch die Wechselzone laufen, das Fahrrad nehmen und außerhalb der Wechselzone umgehend besteigen. Ein schneller Antritt, eine erste Kurve und dann begannen 90 Kilometer Fahrradstrecke über Mallorca. Bei den Fahrrädern mit einem Wert von durchschnittlich 5.000 EUR ist auch mein Interesse noch weiter gestiegen – ich muss es einfach einmal probieren.

90 Kilometer Fahrstrecke – Start für die Amateure und Staffeln

Während die Profis bei den Männern und Frauen sich auf die Radstrecke begeben, wurden weitere Gruppen von Amateursportlern und anschließend den Staffeln gestartet. Unter diesen Staffeln waren dieses Mal auch bereits 80 Mitarbeiter von Thomas Cook (im Vergleich zu ca. 50 im Vorjahr) und so wird doch deutlich, dass das Triathlon-Fieber ansteckend ist und gleichzeitig verbindet. Im nächsten Jahr werden es sicherlich dann noch mehr Teilnehmer in den Staffeln sein, denn wenn mich schon das Fieber fast erfasst hat, wie ist es dann erst bei den Mitarbeitern die die Erfahrungen mit den Kollegen auch noch ab Montag wieder im Büro teilen.

Eine ganz andere Aktion von “Sport verbindet” zeigte dazu eine weitere Staffeln mit einem behinderten Team-Mitglied. Hier war zu sehen, dass es nicht immer auf die Zeit ankommt und die schnellste Staffel im Wasser zu sein oder das schnellste Mitglied auf dem Fahrrad zu sein – sondern, dass man auch gemeinsam Dinge schaffen kann, wenn der Zusammenhalt stimmt! Ein absolut tolles Signal und ein schönes Ende des Starts vom Triathlon auf Mallorca.

Für mich war der letzte Start auch persönlich noch einmal ein guter Beweis, mit wie viel Energie die Teilnehmer die Strecke angehen, denn für die Fotos aus dem Wasser habe ich eine intensive Dusche Meerwasser in Kauf genommen – nur um Euch diese Fotos direkt vom Event liefern zu können. Die Sportler in geschützten Neopren-Anzügen, aufgewärmt und ich im Wasser, mit Hotpants und T-Shirt und Ihr dürft mir glauben, ich habe die 18°C Wassertemperatur überhaupt nicht gemerkt, zu faszinierend war der Start, die Masse der Läufer, die förmlich über das Wasser gelaufen ist und sich die beste Startposition für die Schwimmstrecke suchten. Erst nach 10 Minuten und dem letzten Foto des Starts merkte ich dann, dass ich ab Oberschenkel die Beine kaum noch spürte. Egal! Es war faszinierend und ich würde für den nächsten Start mich sofort wieder im Wasser platzieren.

So langsam konnte ich verstehen, warum viele Menschen sagen, “Triathlon ist eine ansteckende Krankheit” – wer es zum ersten Mal live gesehen hat, überlegt, ob er nicht auch starten möchte und selbst ich überlege, einmal mit dem Training anzufangen und dann vielleicht in zwei Jahren auch daran teilzunehmen.

Zieldurchlauf in 3 Stunden 50 Minuten

Ein letzter Wechsel vom Fahrrad auf die Laufstrecke, das Fahrrad wieder platziert, die Radschuhe gegen die Laufschuhe getauscht ohne eine große Pause und sofort auf die 3 Runden à 7 Kilometer, entlang am Strand, zurück in die Stadt Alcudia und jedes Mal vorbei an den großen Schriftzügen des “Thomas Cook Ironman 70.3 Mallorca”. Ein letztes Mal an den Strand, abbiegen in den Zielbereich, die Glocke für den karitativen Zweck läuten und sich dann von den Zuschauern feiern lassen.

Die Sieger / Ergebnisse – Andreas Dreitz,  Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert

In einem engen Wettkampf fiel die Entscheidung auf der Radstrecke, wo sich Andreas Dreitz mit der Startnummer 13 entscheidend vom Feld absetzen konnte und den Vorsprung auch nicht mehr abgegeben hat. Andreas Raelert sagte in der anschließenden Pressekonferenz dann zutreffend, dass es nicht am Material gelegen haben kann, dass Andreas Dreitz das Rennen gewonnen hat, sondern an den Beinen, da beide das gleiche Material verwendet haben.

Die drei Athleten beendeten den ThomasCook 70.3 Ironman Mallorca dann mit den folgenden Zeiten:

  • Sieger: Andreas Dreitz – 3 Stunden 51 Minuten 38 Sekunden
  • Zweiter Platz: Bart Aernouts – 3 Stunden 53 Minuten 33 Sekunden
  • Dritter Platz: Andreas Raelert – 3 Stunden 53 Minuten 49 Sekunden

Für die Sieger gab es stehende Ovationen der Zuschauer, aber nicht für diese, sondern für jeden weiteren Läufer, der die Ziellinie überquerte gab es Ovationen und vor allem Respekt!Den Frauenwettbewerb der Profis gewann die Österreicherin Lisa Hütthaler, vor Sofie Goos (Belgien) und Liz Blatchford (AUS) in 4 Stunden 18 Minuten und 50 Sekunden.

FAZIT – ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Mallorca

Wann war ich aufgestanden? War das Wasser wirklich nur 18 Grad warm? Hat die Sonne intensiv geschienen, so dass man trotz Sonnencreme direkt Ränder sieht? Völlig egal! Ich war fasziniert – ich bin infiziert! Vom “Triathlon-Virus”, den ThomasCook bei mir ausgelöst hat und überlege auch noch zwei Tage später, ob ich mich nicht auch einmal etwas genauer damit beschäftigten sollte. Sicherlich nicht direkt für das nächste Jahr und den 70.3 Ironman in Alcudia, Mallorca – aber eventuell mal eine kürzere Distanz.

Ich verstehe nun, warum die Teilnehmerfelder immer stärker wachsen, die Zuschauer am Rand gedrängt stehen und warum der Triathlon im Herbst über die Volldistanz in Alcudia nur noch wenige Restplätze für die Starter bereithält.

Ein absolut interessantes Event, mit vielen tollen neuen Kontakten und einer perfekten Organisation, seitens der Stadt Alcudia, des Teams von Ironman Europe und Middle East und von ThomasCook, die es ermöglicht haben, vom “Triathlon-Virus” infiziert zu werden und tolle Aufnahmen überall auf der Strecke zu machen können. Herzlichen Dank für die Unterstützung.

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399707810","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"35","iso":"200","shutter_speed":"0.004","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"7.1","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399708276","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"70","iso":"200","shutter_speed":"0.0025","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"7.1","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399708521","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"70","iso":"200","shutter_speed":"0.002","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"7.1","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399708787","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"70","iso":"200","shutter_speed":"0.0025","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"7.1","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399708860","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"70","iso":"200","shutter_speed":"0.002","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,1800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399709743","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"45","iso":"200","shutter_speed":"0.003125","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,1800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399709763","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"48","iso":"200","shutter_speed":"0.003125","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,1800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"7.1","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399709776","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"52","iso":"200","shutter_speed":"0.0025","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"5.6","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399710318","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"51","iso":"200","shutter_speed":"0.004","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,1800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399710335","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"40","iso":"200","shutter_speed":"0.004","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,1800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"6.3","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399710604","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"57","iso":"200","shutter_speed":"0.003125","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"7.1","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399710654","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"24","iso":"200","shutter_speed":"0.005","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,1800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399710735","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"24","iso":"200","shutter_speed":"0.004","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399711214","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"24","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.004","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,1800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"7.1","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399711222","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"40","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.005","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,1800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"6.3","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399711234","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"48","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.005","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"6.3","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399711485","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"24","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.005","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"4.5","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399711549","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"70","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.00625","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"7.1","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399711652","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"25","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.005","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,1800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399712038","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"70","iso":"800","shutter_speed":"0.0002","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,1800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399712047","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"70","iso":"800","shutter_speed":"0.00025","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"16","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399712608","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"70","iso":"800","shutter_speed":"0.0015625","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"16","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399712687","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"25","iso":"800","shutter_speed":"0.001","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"16","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399712856","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"35","iso":"800","shutter_speed":"0.004","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"7.1","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399713112","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"25","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.005","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"7.1","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399713239","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"58","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.0025","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"7.1","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399713239","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"58","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.0025","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"7.1","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399713241","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"54","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.0025","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"7.1","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399713241","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"51","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.0025","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399713695","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"42","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.0025","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399713840","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"50","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.0025","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399713841","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"45","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.003125","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399713842","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"45","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.0025","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399713847","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"43","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.0025","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,1800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"6.3","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399715256","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"70","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.003125","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,1800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"14","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399715345","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"70","iso":"800","shutter_speed":"0.0015625","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,1800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"6.3","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399715426","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"68","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.003125","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,1800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"22","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399720181","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"70","iso":"160","shutter_speed":"0.016666666666667","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399720360","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"54","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.0025","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,1800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"3.2","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399720638","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"52","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.0005","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,1800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"3.2","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399720758","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"70","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.0005","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,1800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"3.2","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399720915","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"65","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.0008","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"3.2","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399721206","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"50","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.0003125","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399721727","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"59","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.002","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399722130","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"70","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.002","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"11","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399722340","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"67","iso":"400","shutter_speed":"0.001","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,1800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"11","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399722393","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"70","iso":"400","shutter_speed":"0.001","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"11","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399722454","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"67","iso":"400","shutter_speed":"0.001","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"11","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399722471","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"70","iso":"400","shutter_speed":"0.001","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"11","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399722526","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"59","iso":"400","shutter_speed":"0.00125","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"10","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399722545","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"70","iso":"400","shutter_speed":"0.00125","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"10","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399722869","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"65","iso":"400","shutter_speed":"0.00125","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,1800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"10","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399723010","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"70","iso":"400","shutter_speed":"0.00125","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,1800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"10","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399723301","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"70","iso":"400","shutter_speed":"0.001","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"11","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399724089","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"70","iso":"400","shutter_speed":"0.001","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"11","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399724097","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"70","iso":"400","shutter_speed":"0.001","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,1800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"9","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399724153","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"70","iso":"400","shutter_speed":"0.0015625","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,1800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"10","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399724367","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"70","iso":"400","shutter_speed":"0.00125","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"3.2","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399725108","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"60","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.0125","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone – Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -" data-image-title="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain – Changing zone -" align="left" data-orig-file="" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" alt="ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"3.5","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone - Triathlon with Andreas Dreitz, Bart Aernouts, Andreas Raelert and Lisa Huetthaler","created_timestamp":"1399729593","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"59","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.0125","title":"ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 Alcudia Mallorca Spain - Changing zone -"}" data-large-file="" />

Herzlichen Dank an ThomasCook für die Einladung nach Mallorca zum ThomasCook Ironman 70.3 und der Unterstützung bei diesem Projekt. Dieses hat natürlich keinen Einfluss auf die Berichterstattung.