The Westin Grand München – Hoteltour

Von Pureglamtv @pureglamtv
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In den letzten Wochen wurde ich immer wieder gefragt, ob ich ein Hotel in München kennen würde, worin man gut übernachten kann, was den gehobenen Service und einen gewissen Luxus bietet und welches doch gut und schnell vom Flughafen, der Messe und dem Ring erreichbar ist und nicht unbedingt in der Stadt liegt. Die Erfahrungen in den letzten Monaten haben gezeigt, dass ich euch einfach einmal das The Westin Grand München vorstellen sollte, das erste Hotel in München, in dem ich jemals übernachtet habe und was noch immer ein wenig von “Coming Home” Gefühl bietet.

Die Lage des The Westin Grand München

Wie auch das Schwesterhotel des The Westin Grand München, das Sheraton München Arabellapark Hotel, welches ich euch vor ein paar Tagen vorgestellt habe, liegt das Hotel in München-Bogenhausen und sehr günstig am Mittleren Ring, der sowohl die verschiedenen Autobahnen verbindet, wie auch eine günstige und schnelle Anbindung an die Messe München, sowie den Münchener Flughafen bietet.

Sicherlich gibt es von der Gebäudefront in der Zwischenzeit schönere Hotels, aber ein Zimmer in der 22. Etage mit einem Ausblick über München und einem Blick auf den Englischen Garten ist kaum zu überbieten.

Die Silhouette der Stadt ein Traum, auf der einen Seite die teils schneebedeckten Gipfel der Alpen, die im Sonnenschein spiegeln, dazwischen die Münchener Innenstadt mit Frauenkirche, Odeonsplatz und im Herbst auch dem Münchener Oktoberfest gut erkennbar. Auf der anderen Seite die Aussicht auf den Olympiaturm und das Olympiastadion, den O2-Towwer, sowie das BMW Gebäude und die BMW Motorwelt.

Ebenso bieten viele Zimmer dann auch die Chance auf einen Blick auf die erleuchtete Allianz-Arena in München Fröttmaning, die in den Abendstunden in rot und weiss :) erleuchtet ist.

Die Lobby – ein “Grand Hotel”

Eine Auffahrt um einen Brunnen, die Bell Captains und der Parkservice bereit, den Wagen entgegen zu nehmen und sofort beim Gepäck behilflich zu sein oder dem Gast den Weg in die hoteleigene Tiefgarage zu weisen. Ein Gang durch die große Drehtür und man bekommt das Gefühl, ein historisches Grandhotel zu betreten. Eine großzügige Lobby, ein langgezogener Checkin und Concierge-Bereich, auf der gegenüberliegenden Seite ein Juwelier und ein historisches Auto (natürlich BMW) .

Die Mitarbeiter aufmerksam und bemüht den Gast sofort beim Checkin behilflich zu sein oder jede Frage zum Hotel oder zur Gegend, schnell und effektiv zu lösen, dabei aber immer freundlich und hilfsbereit zu bleiben.

Vorbei am Empfang befindet sich ein kleines Cafe mitten in der Lobby, ideal für ein kleines Gespräch mit Freunden oder Geschäftspartnern, dazu einen frischen Cappuccino und ein Stück Kuchen, die Grapperia bietet vom kleinen Snack bis zum zweiten Frühstück eine Alternative für jeden Gast.

Wer die Lobby am späten Abend besucht, realisiert die leichte Musik aus der Ducktails – der Münchener Hotelbar -, frische Cocktails, kleine Snacks und dazu motivierte Barkeeper – so kann man den Tag ausklingen lassen.

Eine geschwungene Treppe führt den Gast in das Untergeschoss, wo der Wellnessbereich und Fitnessbereich Ihn bereits erwartet.

Fitness & Wellness – Schwimmbad

Das “The Westin Grand München” bietet im Unterschoss mit dem hauseigenen Spa-Bereich einen großen Pool mit Whirlpool, sowie verschiedene Liegen und Loungeflächen rund um den Pool. Wer eine Entspannung sucht, findet Ihm hoteleigenen Spa-Bereich verschiedene Single-Anwendungen oder auch Paar-Behandlungen u.a. mit Produkten aus dem Hause Korres.

Wer sich in Sauna oder im Dampfbad entspannen möchte, findet im hinteren Bereich Swimming-Pools eine großzügige Sauna-Landschaft mit Außenbereich, sowie einem großzügig dimensionierten Ruhebereich.

Das eigentliche Highlight im Fitness & Wellness-Bereich des Hotels ist der neue Fitness-Bereich mit vielen neuen modernen Cardio-Geräten sowie verschiedenen Geräten und Gewichten. Der große Vorteil – der Bereich ist durchgehend geöffnet und kann also auch über Nacht genutzt werden (z.B. bei Jetlag – eigene Erfahrung)… und wenn man sich nach dem Sport stärken möchte, kann man direkt den gegenüberliegenden Eingang vom Spa-Bereich nutzen. Das Paulaner-Restaurant.

Paulaner und Zen-Restaurant

Das Paulaner Restaurant, welches ich euch schon in den letzten Tagen vorgestellt habe, bietet euch bayrische Spezialitäten und eine internationale Küche bietet, sowie die Chance im Sommer auch “Open-Air” zu sitzen und ein wahres bayrisches Biergarten-Feeling zu bekommen. Gemeinsam mit Freunden oder Arbeitskollegen den Tag ausklingen zu lassen, die internationalen Gäste beobachten, ein Ort, den man immer wieder neu wählen wird.

Wer eher die asiatisch/pazifische Küche mag, findet im ZEN-Restaurant im Erdgeschoss ein entsprechendes Angebot. Das Restaurant dient gleichzeitig auch als Frühstücksrestaurant und für das sonntägliche Brunch mit einer Auswahl der verschiedenen Gerichte. Ein Platz bei Sonnenschein im Atrium, ein Blick in den ZEN-Garten – eine schöne Alternative das Zimmer einmal zu verlassen.

Die Zimmer im Westin Grand Hotel

Das Hotel bietet mit über 600 Zimmern und verschiedenen Suiten (wie z.B. die Skysuite) eine tolle Auswahl und vor allem eine einmalige Aussicht, unabhängig ob auf die Münchener Skyline oder den Münchener Norden und das Schwesterhotel “Sheraton München Arabellapark”. Das aktive Treiben der Umgebung fasziniert und lädt zu stundenlangen Beobachtungen ein. Wie in vielen Starwood-Hotels weltweit, verfügt auch das “The Westin Grand München” über Clubzimmer, die Gästen Zutritt zur Clublounge ermöglichen, wo morgens ein kostenloses Frühstück gereicht wird, ebenso wie kleine Snacks und Getränke am Abend.

Die Clublounge befindet sich in der 23. Etage des Hotels mit großen Fenstern und der wohl besten Kulisse für einen Sonnenuntergang über der Stadt. Für alle nicht Münchener als kleine Hilfestellung. Die Sonne geht in der Nähe des Olympiaturms unter :) … aber alternativ kann an auch die Besonderheit des Hotels direkt fragen, die Mitarbeiter von “Guest Relations”

Guest Relations – die gute Seele des Hotels

Schon bei meinem ersten Besuch im Hotel vor vielen Jahren war ich vom gesonderten Checkin-Bereich für Statusgäste des Starwood-Programms fasziniert, mit dem Umbau des Hotels vor einigen Jahren und dem neuen Ort in der Clublounge ist der Service noch besser geworden und wird von vielen Stammgästen als “das besondere Qualitätsmerkmal” geliebt und zur Kenntnis genommen.

Die Mitarbeiter sind absolut bemüht, die Möglichkeit im kleinen Kreise die Formalitäten vornehmen zu lassen und am Morgen nach dem Frühstück direkt auschecken zu können, traumhaft und häufig frequentiert. Den Aufzug in die Clublounge nehmen, die freundlichen Mitarbeiter bitten, den Checkout durchzuführen, einen Kaffee trinken und gemütlich frühstücken und anschließend nur noch die Rechnung unterzeichnen und zum Termin fahren. Abseits der stark frequentierten Lobby, ein kleiner Kreis – eine ruhige Atmosphäre und Mitarbeiterinnen, die immer bemüht sind, jeden Wunsch zu erfüllen, die sich die Besonderheiten der Stammgäste merken und gerne darauf achten, dass es im Zimmer bereits entsprechend vorbereitet ist.

Die Bezeichnung “Guest Relations” sind absolut passend, könnten aber auch “Dream Team” genannt werden und geben diesem Haus den ganz besonderen Charme und genau den Pluspunkt, der das “The Westin Grand München” von vielen Mitbewerbern abhebt. Wo hat man schon die Möglichkeit, dass beim Frühstück alles erledigt wird, man geschützt sich in der 23. Etage bei toller Aussicht zurückziehen kann und noch perfekt betreut wird.

Diese “Towerlösung” bietet im deutschsprachigen Bereich von Starwood nur noch das Frankfurt-Airport Hotel, welches ich auch gerade aus dem Grund ebenfalls gerne nutze. In München ist dieser Service genau das “Plus”, welches eine Hotelbuchung entscheidend beeinflusst. Das ist für mich ein Alleinstellungsmerkmal – welcher deutlich mehr Wert ist, als ein vergoldeter Wasserhahn, einen noch kuscheligeren Bademantel, etc…

FAZIT “The Westin Grand München”

Das Hotel lebt, wie schon gesagt, sicherlich nicht vom “zeitlosen” Außendesign, aber von einer einmaligen Aussicht, einer guten Lage für Menschen, die schnell Termine in München wahrnehmen möchte und nicht direkt in die Innenstadt ziehen möchten und natürlich von der “Software” des Hauses, die sich seit vielen Jahren bemüht, die besonderen Momente möglich zu machen und dem Gast ein Gefühl eines “Grandhotels” zu geben.

Ich werde in Zukunft auch sicherlich die eine oder andere Nacht meiner Aufenthalte in München dort verbringen und dann wieder die Aussicht und die untergehende Sonne über München genießen und am nächsten Morgen beim Frühstück in der 23. Etage direkt meinen Checkout erledigen. Perfekt!

Anmerkung 13.06.2014 – Der Guest Relations Bereich befindet sich seit 09.06.2014 im Erdgeschoss neben dem Front-Desk. Am Donnerstag und Freitag kann der Checkout der Gäste auch vormittags weiterhin in 23. Etage erfolgen.

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:497px; height:331px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="331" alt="" data-original-width="497" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1395409973","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"57","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.002","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:245px; height:163px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="163" alt="" data-original-width="245" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"9","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1400163059","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"24","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.003125","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:245px; height:164px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="164" alt="" data-original-width="245" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"14","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401118349","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"24","iso":"1600","shutter_speed":"0.025","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:246px; height:164px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="164" alt="" data-original-width="246" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"14","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401118360","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"24","iso":"8000","shutter_speed":"0.025","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:246px; height:164px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="164" alt="" data-original-width="246" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"14","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401118370","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"24","iso":"25600","shutter_speed":"0.033333333333333","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:246px; height:164px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="164" alt="" data-original-width="246" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"14","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401118373","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"24","iso":"800","shutter_speed":"0.025","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:391px; height:261px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="261" alt="" data-original-width="391" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"14","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401118379","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"24","iso":"800","shutter_speed":"0.025","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:391px; height:261px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="261" alt="" data-original-width="391" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"14","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401118391","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"24","iso":"320","shutter_speed":"0.033333333333333","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,1800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:351px; height:526px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="526" alt="" data-original-width="351" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"14","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401118414","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"24","iso":"25600","shutter_speed":"0.066666666666667","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:246px; height:164px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="164" alt="" data-original-width="246" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401118450","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"24","iso":"125","shutter_speed":"0.025","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:246px; height:164px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="164" alt="" data-original-width="246" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401118475","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"42","iso":"640","shutter_speed":"0.02","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:246px; height:164px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="164" alt="" data-original-width="246" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401118494","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"27","iso":"320","shutter_speed":"0.025","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:514px; height:342px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="342" alt="" data-original-width="514" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401118507","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"27","iso":"1000","shutter_speed":"0.033333333333333","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,1800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:228px; height:342px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="342" alt="" data-original-width="228" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401118613","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"24","iso":"400","shutter_speed":"0.025","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:371px; height:247px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="247" alt="" data-original-width="371" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401118732","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"24","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.008","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:371px; height:247px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="247" alt="" data-original-width="371" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401118743","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"24","iso":"200","shutter_speed":"0.033333333333333","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,1800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:426px; height:639px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="639" alt="" data-original-width="426" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401118755","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"24","iso":"320","shutter_speed":"0.025","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:316px; height:210px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="210" alt="" data-original-width="316" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401118788","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"45","iso":"160","shutter_speed":"0.02","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:316px; height:210px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="210" alt="" data-original-width="316" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"11","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401118820","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"50","iso":"16000","shutter_speed":"0.025","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:316px; height:211px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="211" alt="" data-original-width="316" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"11","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401118833","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"50","iso":"25600","shutter_speed":"0.02","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:497px; height:331px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="331" alt="" data-original-width="497" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"11","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401120040","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"28","iso":"10000","shutter_speed":"0.033333333333333","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:245px; height:163px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="163" alt="" data-original-width="245" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"11","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401120044","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"28","iso":"16000","shutter_speed":"0.033333333333333","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:245px; height:164px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="164" alt="" data-original-width="245" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"11","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401120061","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"27","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.033333333333333","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:302px; height:201px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="201" alt="" data-original-width="302" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"11","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401120076","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"28","iso":"16000","shutter_speed":"0.033333333333333","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,1800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:134px; height:201px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="201" alt="" data-original-width="134" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401120123","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"42","iso":"1000","shutter_speed":"0.02","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:302px; height:201px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="201" alt="" data-original-width="302" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401120356","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"42","iso":"250","shutter_speed":"0.02","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:514px; height:342px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="342" alt="" data-original-width="514" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"18","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401121406","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"50","iso":"25600","shutter_speed":"0.04","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,1800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:228px; height:342px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="342" alt="" data-original-width="228" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"9","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401121448","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"59","iso":"12800","shutter_speed":"0.02","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:246px; height:164px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="164" alt="" data-original-width="246" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"9","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401205458","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"24","iso":"640","shutter_speed":"0.033333333333333","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:246px; height:164px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="164" alt="" data-original-width="246" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401205487","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"24","iso":"160","shutter_speed":"0.033333333333333","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:246px; height:164px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="164" alt="" data-original-width="246" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401205503","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"38","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.033333333333333","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:514px; height:342px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="342" alt="" data-original-width="514" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401205559","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"51","iso":"160","shutter_speed":"0.02","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,1800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:228px; height:342px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="342" alt="" data-original-width="228" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401205605","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"24","iso":"160","shutter_speed":"0.025","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:497px; height:331px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="331" alt="" data-original-width="497" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401205624","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"24","iso":"200","shutter_speed":"0.033333333333333","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:245px; height:163px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="163" alt="" data-original-width="245" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401205896","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"40","iso":"2000","shutter_speed":"0.033333333333333","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:245px; height:164px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="164" alt="" data-original-width="245" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"11","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401205970","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"27","iso":"20000","shutter_speed":"0.033333333333333","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,1800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:140px; height:210px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="210" alt="" data-original-width="140" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"11","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401205982","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"24","iso":"25600","shutter_speed":"0.033333333333333","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,1800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:140px; height:210px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="210" alt="" data-original-width="140" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"11","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401206020","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"24","iso":"8000","shutter_speed":"0.033333333333333","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:314px; height:210px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="210" alt="" data-original-width="314" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401206043","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"24","iso":"125","shutter_speed":"0.025","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,1800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:140px; height:210px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="210" alt="" data-original-width="140" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401206086","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"25","iso":"4000","shutter_speed":"0.033333333333333","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:246px; height:164px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="164" alt="" data-original-width="246" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401206131","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"40","iso":"1250","shutter_speed":"0.033333333333333","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:246px; height:164px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="164" alt="" data-original-width="246" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401206382","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"32","iso":"640","shutter_speed":"0.025","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:246px; height:164px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="164" alt="" data-original-width="246" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401206408","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"24","iso":"500","shutter_speed":"0.025","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:245px; height:163px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="163" alt="" data-original-width="245" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401206445","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"34","iso":"250","shutter_speed":"0.025","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:245px; height:164px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="164" alt="" data-original-width="245" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401206487","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"34","iso":"1600","shutter_speed":"0.033333333333333","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:497px; height:331px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="331" alt="" data-original-width="497" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401206518","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"30","iso":"2500","shutter_speed":"0.033333333333333","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:302px; height:201px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="201" alt="" data-original-width="302" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401206717","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"24","iso":"5000","shutter_speed":"0.025","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,1800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:134px; height:201px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="201" alt="" data-original-width="134" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401206735","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"24","iso":"2500","shutter_speed":"0.025","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:302px; height:201px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="201" alt="" data-original-width="302" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401208125","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"32","iso":"800","shutter_speed":"0.025","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,1800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:426px; height:639px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="639" alt="" data-original-width="426" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401208191","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"40","iso":"1250","shutter_speed":"0.033333333333333","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:316px; height:210px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="210" alt="" data-original-width="316" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401208226","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"30","iso":"800","shutter_speed":"0.025","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:316px; height:210px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="210" alt="" data-original-width="316" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401208541","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"24","iso":"320","shutter_speed":"0.025","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:316px; height:211px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="211" alt="" data-original-width="316" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401208557","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"24","iso":"640","shutter_speed":"0.025","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:497px; height:331px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="331" alt="" data-original-width="497" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401208565","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"54","iso":"640","shutter_speed":"0.02","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – Hotelreview and Hoteltour – Arabellastraße 6, 81925 Munich, Germany

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="The Westin Grand München - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H" data-image-title="The Westin Grand München – Hotel – Starwood Preferred Guest – H" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:245px; height:163px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="163" alt="" data-original-width="245" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - Hotelreview and Hoteltour - Arabellastra\u00dfe 6, 81925 Munich, Germany","created_timestamp":"1401208589","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"27","iso":"250","shutter_speed":"0.033333333333333","title":"The Westin Grand M\u00fcnchen - Hotel - Starwood Preferred Guest - H"}" data-large-file="" />

Paulaner Biergarten im The Westin Grand Hotel München – Arabellastraße – Gemütliche Stimmung bei jedem Wetter – Haxen – Bier und bayrische Schmankerl

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="Paulaner Biergarten im The Westin Grand Hotel München - Arabell" data-image-title="Paulaner Biergarten im The Westin Grand Hotel München – Arabell" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:245px; height:164px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="164" alt="Paulaner Biergarten im The Westin Grand Hotel München - Arabellastraße - Gemütliche Stimmung bei jedem Wetter - Haxen - Bier und bayrische Schmankerl" data-original-width="245" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"Paulaner Biergarten im The Westin Grand Hotel M\u00fcnchen - Arabellastra\u00dfe - Gem\u00fctliche Stimmung bei jedem Wetter - Haxen - Bier und bayrische Schmankerl","created_timestamp":"1401207375","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"27","iso":"800","shutter_speed":"0.033333333333333","title":"Paulaner Biergarten im The Westin Grand Hotel M\u00fcnchen - Arabell"}" data-large-file="" />

Paulaner Biergarten im The Westin Grand Hotel München – Arabellastraße – Gemütliche Stimmung bei jedem Wetter – Haxen – Bier und bayrische Schmankerl

" data-orig-size="1200,1800" title="Paulaner Biergarten im The Westin Grand Hotel München - Arabell" data-image-title="Paulaner Biergarten im The Westin Grand Hotel München – Arabell" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:228px; height:342px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="342" alt="Paulaner Biergarten im The Westin Grand Hotel München - Arabellastraße - Gemütliche Stimmung bei jedem Wetter - Haxen - Bier und bayrische Schmankerl" data-original-width="228" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.8","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"Paulaner Biergarten im The Westin Grand Hotel M\u00fcnchen - Arabellastra\u00dfe - Gem\u00fctliche Stimmung bei jedem Wetter - Haxen - Bier und bayrische Schmankerl","created_timestamp":"1401207901","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"24","iso":"1000","shutter_speed":"0.025","title":"Paulaner Biergarten im The Westin Grand Hotel M\u00fcnchen - Arabell"}" data-large-file="" />

Paulaner Biergarten im The Westin Grand Hotel München – Arabellastraße – Gemütliche Stimmung bei jedem Wetter – Haxen – Bier und bayrische Schmankerl

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="Paulaner Biergarten im The Westin Grand Hotel München - Arabell" data-image-title="Paulaner Biergarten im The Westin Grand Hotel München – Arabell" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:514px; height:342px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="342" alt="Paulaner Biergarten im The Westin Grand Hotel München - Arabellastraße - Gemütliche Stimmung bei jedem Wetter - Haxen - Bier und bayrische Schmankerl" data-original-width="514" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"1.4","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"Paulaner Biergarten im The Westin Grand Hotel M\u00fcnchen - Arabellastra\u00dfe - Gem\u00fctliche Stimmung bei jedem Wetter - Haxen - Bier und bayrische Schmankerl","created_timestamp":"1401218081","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"50","iso":"400","shutter_speed":"0.02","title":"Paulaner Biergarten im The Westin Grand Hotel M\u00fcnchen - Arabell"}" data-large-file="" />

Paulaner Biergarten im The Westin Grand Hotel München – Arabellastraße – Gemütliche Stimmung bei jedem Wetter – Haxen – Bier und bayrische Schmankerl

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="Paulaner Biergarten im The Westin Grand Hotel München - Arabell" data-image-title="Paulaner Biergarten im The Westin Grand Hotel München – Arabell" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:302px; height:201px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="201" alt="Paulaner Biergarten im The Westin Grand Hotel München - Arabellastraße - Gemütliche Stimmung bei jedem Wetter - Haxen - Bier und bayrische Schmankerl" data-original-width="302" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"1.4","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"Paulaner Biergarten im The Westin Grand Hotel M\u00fcnchen - Arabellastra\u00dfe - Gem\u00fctliche Stimmung bei jedem Wetter - Haxen - Bier und bayrische Schmankerl","created_timestamp":"1401221504","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"50","iso":"200","shutter_speed":"0.02","title":"Paulaner Biergarten im The Westin Grand Hotel M\u00fcnchen - Arabell"}" data-large-file="" />

Westin Grand Hotel München – Wellness und Spa-Bereich – Foto

" data-orig-size="1200,1800" title="Westin Grand Hotel München - Wellness und Spa-Bereich - Foto pu" data-image-title="Westin Grand Hotel München – Wellness und Spa-Bereich – Foto pu" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:134px; height:201px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="201" alt="" data-original-width="134" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"22","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"Westin Grand Hotel M\u00fcnchen - Wellness und Spa-Bereich - Foto","created_timestamp":"1402518534","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"200","iso":"1600","shutter_speed":"0.005","title":"Westin Grand Hotel M\u00fcnchen - Wellness und Spa-Bereich - Foto pu"}" data-large-file="" />

Westin Grand Hotel München – Wellness und Spa-Bereich – Foto

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="Westin Grand Hotel München - Wellness und Spa-Bereich - Foto pu" data-image-title="Westin Grand Hotel München – Wellness und Spa-Bereich – Foto pu" align="left" data-orig-file="" style="width:302px; height:201px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="" data-original-height="201" alt="" data-original-width="302" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"5.6","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"Westin Grand Hotel M\u00fcnchen - Wellness und Spa-Bereich - Foto","created_timestamp":"1402497379","copyright":" - all rights reserved","focal_length":"300","iso":"200","shutter_speed":"0.001","title":"Westin Grand Hotel M\u00fcnchen - Wellness und Spa-Bereich - Foto pu"}" data-large-file="" />