The Dzogchen Way of Realizing Emptiness · holospirit · Coaching & Training, Beratung & Begleitung, Schulung & Persönlichkeitsentwicklung

The words: "emp­ti­ness is form and form is emp­ti­ness", are mere­ly intel­lec­tual con­cep­tual desi­g­na­ti­ons. When such and all con­cep­tual desi­g­na­ti­ons are absent, the true mea­ning of "emp­ti­ness is form and form is emp­ti­ness", is imme­dia­te­ly known as the true natu­re of all expe­ri­en­ce. Jig­me Ling­pa wro­te: "Here the exter­nal forms that are per­cei­ved are not desi­g­na­ted as emp­ty of self. When emp­ti­ness is made an intel­lec­tual object, the form and emp­ti­ness aspects of the object ari­se in the intel­lect.... Zum Artikel

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