Heute hat es mich gleich mal auf den Weinberg verschlagen. Diese Bilder enthalte ich euch aber noch etwas vor. Denn als erstes möchte ich euch ein Motiv vorstellen, dass ich ziemlich interessant fand. Viele, viele kleine Wassertröpfchen die in einer Distel hängen geblieben sind. Da durfte auch die Nahlinse gleich mal wieder ran.
E Today is a day full of good news: My camera is back and fully repaired. And the secound part of the good news? The repair was completely free, because the company was so nice and made it still fall under the warranty - although I didn't even mention that. Applause to Canon!
In the time the camera was gone, I had about a million ideas for photos or places where I can take photos, also because my new room has a white wall. I won't tell you the though about the specific ideas, I want it to be a surprise. And it will take a bit time to take all those photos. Now I'm just happy, that my beloved camera is back and I can take photos again.
Today I went to the vineyards. But I won't post those pics for a few days, you will have to wait, because I will show you a really interessting motif first. Many little drips in a thistle.