Von Proletkult

“Men are easily divided into two distinct categories: those who can grow moustaches and those who can’t.
For those who can’t, life is a bleak endurance test, full of envy, anger and frustration. For those who can, life boasts endless possibilities and endless image changes. No prizes for guessing which type of man finds it easier to evade police capture.”

Und wenn ich ‘n Mann wär, würde ich mir garantiert den Clark Galbe stehen lassen. suchte die 50 Best Movie Moustaches aus, hier sind meine 8 Favoriten:

V.l.n.r.: Charlie Chaplin in THE KID, Mel Brooks in SPACEBALLS, Sam Elliott in THE BIG LEBOWSKI, Daniel Day Lewis in GANGS OF NEW YORK, George Clooney in OH BROTHER WHERE ARE THOUR?, Matt Dillon in THERE’S SOMETHING ABOUT MARY und Carl Weathers in ACRTION JACKSON.

Welchen Schnurri bevorzugt Ihr?