Tapas und spanische Tradition im “Es Vi” – Castillo Son Vida

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Tapas gehören zu Spanien einfach wie Sonne und Meer und gehören für mich spätestens seit meiner Reise nach Madrid im Winter zum festen Bestandteil eines Aufenthaltes auf der iberischen Insel. Es ist natürlich dann umso schöner, wenn leckere Tapas und spanische Tradition mit einer besonderen Aussicht kombiniert werden. Die schönste Dachterrasse mit der besonderen Aussicht ist eine entsprechende Location und wenn es dort ein Restaurant mit Aussicht gibt, ein besonderer Abend…

Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - Es Vi Restaurant - Tapas and View

Spanische Tradition – Tapas und Gastfreundschaft

Ein Bodega-Ambiente, die Freundlichkeit der Spanier und an dem Abend auch die Möglichkeit “Open Air” auf der Terrasse zu speisen, Anfang Juni bereits Temperaturen am Abend über 20°C, die einsetzende Dämmerung und der Blick auf die Kathedrale und den Pool des “Castillo Son Vida” Hotels aus der Luxury Collection von Starwood Hotels.

Die Speisekarte im Restaurant “Es Vi” war gut dimensioniert und sehr schön direkt auf der ersten Seite der Karte direkt ein täglich wechselndes “Dégustationsmenü”, bei welchem der Chefkoch gerne sein Können in verschiedenen kleinen Gängen demonstrieren kann und möchte. Häufig wird in modernen Restaurants nun ein Dégustationsmenü angeboten, um Gästen einfach zu ermöglichen, viele Dinge der Küche probieren zu können ohne sich auf ein großes Gericht festlegen zu müssen.

Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - Es Vi Restaurant - Tapas and View

Empfehlungen vom Küchenchef

Ich habe mir auch im “Es Vi”, wie so häufig, vom Küchenchef Empfehlungen für den Abend geben lassen und mich auf eine “spanische” Reise begeben. So kann man sicherlich den Abend genießen und auch Dinge probieren, die man vermutlich selten selbst wählen würde.

Auf den nachfolgenden Bildern findet Ihr somit eine Auswahl von:

  • Popkorn
  • Riesengarnelen – Röllchen mit Basilikum und süsser Chillisauce
  • Seehechtspiesschen - mit schwarzen Meeresfrüchteraviolis und Safransauce
  • In Kohl gewickelte iberische Schweinefilets - mit einer milden “Sobrasada” Eiscremé
  • Irische Rinderfiletwürfel - auf einem Zucchini- und Morchelbett
  • Fruchtsalat – in verschiedenen Textures vorgestellt

Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - Es Vi Restaurant - Tapas and View

Diese Gerichte sollten mir einen guten Einblick in die spanische Küche und das Tapas Angebot des Hotels “Castillo Son Vida” geben, dazu an dem Abend nur Wasser – wobei es auch auf der Weinkarte einige gute Weine gab. Für den Weinliebhaber wäre somit die Location im “Es Vi” auch sehr gut geeignet. Ein schönes Glas Wein, ein Blick über Palma und dazu frische Tapas…!

FAZIT “Es Vi” Restaurant im Castillo Son Vida

Das “Es Vi” Restaurant im “Castillo Son Vida” bietet eine kulinarische Reise durch Spanien mit einer atemberaubender Aussicht über die Stadt. Es gibt nicht viele Restaurants auf Mallorca, die mit so einer Aussicht oder besonderen Stimmung direkt beim Betreten zum Wohlbefinden des Gastes beitragen können.

Frische Tapas, eine schöne Auswahl aus verschiedenen Gerüchten, sowohl Meeresfrüchten bzw. Fisch, wie auch Schweinefilets und Rinderfilets, dazu ein Fruchtsalat der Stück für Stück entdeckt werden möchte.

Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - Es Vi Restaurant - Tapas and View

Hinzu kommt ein Team, welches bemüht ist, dem Gast einen guten Service an dem Abend zu bieten und für einen unvergesslichen Abend zu sorgen. Bei kälteren Temperaturen wird man innerhalb des Restaurants, im Stile einer Bodega verwöhnt, bei sommerlichen Temperaturen ist es natürlich empfehlenswert im Außenbereich zu sitzen.

Nach meiner sehr guten Erfahrung im “Es Fum” Gourmetrestaurant in Costa del Blanes, ein weiteres empfehlenswertes Restaurant auf Mallorca. Ich werde bei einem neuen Aufenthalt im Castillo Son Vida gerne wieder dieses Restaurant besuchen.

Tapas und spanische Tradition im “Es Vi” – Castillo Son Vida

Dinner Option – Palma de Mallorca – Terrasse – Skyline Palma – Es Vi Restaurant – Tapas and View

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - E" data-image-title="Dinner Option – Palma de Mallorca – Terrasse – Skyline Palma – E" align="left" data-orig-file="http://www.pureglam.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Palma-de-Mallorca-beautiful-Terrace-Terrasse-Skyline-Es-Vi-Restaurant-Dinner-001.jpg" style="width:302px; height:201px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="http://www.pureglam.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Palma-de-Mallorca-beautiful-Terrace-Terrasse-Skyline-Es-Vi-Restaurant-Dinner-001-300x200.jpg" data-original-height="201" alt="Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - Es Vi Restaurant - Tapas and View" data-original-width="302" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"1.4","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - Es Vi Restaurant - Tapas and View","created_timestamp":"1401913466","copyright":"www.markblake-photo.com - all rights reserved","focal_length":"50","iso":"200","shutter_speed":"0.001","title":"Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - E"}" data-large-file="http://www.pureglam.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Palma-de-Mallorca-beautiful-Terrace-Terrasse-Skyline-Es-Vi-Restaurant-Dinner-001-1024x682.jpg" />Tapas und spanische Tradition im “Es Vi” – Castillo Son Vida

Dinner Option – Palma de Mallorca – Terrasse – Skyline Palma – Es Vi Restaurant – Tapas and View

" data-orig-size="1200,1800" title="Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - E" data-image-title="Dinner Option – Palma de Mallorca – Terrasse – Skyline Palma – E" align="left" data-orig-file="http://www.pureglam.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Palma-de-Mallorca-beautiful-Terrace-Terrasse-Skyline-Es-Vi-Restaurant-Dinner-002.jpg" style="width:134px; height:201px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="http://www.pureglam.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Palma-de-Mallorca-beautiful-Terrace-Terrasse-Skyline-Es-Vi-Restaurant-Dinner-002-200x300.jpg" data-original-height="201" alt="Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - Es Vi Restaurant - Tapas and View" data-original-width="134" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"1.4","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - Es Vi Restaurant - Tapas and View","created_timestamp":"1401913481","copyright":"www.markblake-photo.com - all rights reserved","focal_length":"50","iso":"200","shutter_speed":"0.00125","title":"Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - E"}" data-large-file="http://www.pureglam.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Palma-de-Mallorca-beautiful-Terrace-Terrasse-Skyline-Es-Vi-Restaurant-Dinner-002-682x1024.jpg" />Tapas und spanische Tradition im “Es Vi” – Castillo Son Vida

Dinner Option – Palma de Mallorca – Terrasse – Skyline Palma – Es Vi Restaurant – Tapas and View

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - E" data-image-title="Dinner Option – Palma de Mallorca – Terrasse – Skyline Palma – E" align="left" data-orig-file="http://www.pureglam.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Palma-de-Mallorca-beautiful-Terrace-Terrasse-Skyline-Es-Vi-Restaurant-Dinner-003.jpg" style="width:302px; height:201px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="http://www.pureglam.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Palma-de-Mallorca-beautiful-Terrace-Terrasse-Skyline-Es-Vi-Restaurant-Dinner-003-300x200.jpg" data-original-height="201" alt="Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - Es Vi Restaurant - Tapas and View" data-original-width="302" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"1.4","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - Es Vi Restaurant - Tapas and View","created_timestamp":"1401913491","copyright":"www.markblake-photo.com - all rights reserved","focal_length":"50","iso":"200","shutter_speed":"0.002","title":"Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - E"}" data-large-file="http://www.pureglam.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Palma-de-Mallorca-beautiful-Terrace-Terrasse-Skyline-Es-Vi-Restaurant-Dinner-003-1024x682.jpg" />Tapas und spanische Tradition im “Es Vi” – Castillo Son Vida

Dinner Option – Palma de Mallorca – Terrasse – Skyline Palma – Es Vi Restaurant – Tapas and View

" data-orig-size="1200,1800" title="Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - E" data-image-title="Dinner Option – Palma de Mallorca – Terrasse – Skyline Palma – E" align="left" data-orig-file="http://www.pureglam.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Palma-de-Mallorca-beautiful-Terrace-Terrasse-Skyline-Es-Vi-Restaurant-Dinner-004.jpg" style="width:426px; height:639px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="http://www.pureglam.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Palma-de-Mallorca-beautiful-Terrace-Terrasse-Skyline-Es-Vi-Restaurant-Dinner-004-200x300.jpg" data-original-height="639" alt="Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - Es Vi Restaurant - Tapas and View" data-original-width="426" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"1.4","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - Es Vi Restaurant - Tapas and View","created_timestamp":"1401913634","copyright":"www.markblake-photo.com - all rights reserved","focal_length":"50","iso":"200","shutter_speed":"0.0008","title":"Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - E"}" data-large-file="http://www.pureglam.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Palma-de-Mallorca-beautiful-Terrace-Terrasse-Skyline-Es-Vi-Restaurant-Dinner-004-682x1024.jpg" />Tapas und spanische Tradition im “Es Vi” – Castillo Son Vida

Dinner Option – Palma de Mallorca – Terrasse – Skyline Palma – Es Vi Restaurant – Tapas and View

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - E" data-image-title="Dinner Option – Palma de Mallorca – Terrasse – Skyline Palma – E" align="left" data-orig-file="http://www.pureglam.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Palma-de-Mallorca-beautiful-Terrace-Terrasse-Skyline-Es-Vi-Restaurant-Dinner-005.jpg" style="width:316px; height:210px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="http://www.pureglam.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Palma-de-Mallorca-beautiful-Terrace-Terrasse-Skyline-Es-Vi-Restaurant-Dinner-005-300x200.jpg" data-original-height="210" alt="Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - Es Vi Restaurant - Tapas and View" data-original-width="316" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.2","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - Es Vi Restaurant - Tapas and View","created_timestamp":"1401914209","copyright":"www.markblake-photo.com - all rights reserved","focal_length":"50","iso":"200","shutter_speed":"0.003125","title":"Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - E"}" data-large-file="http://www.pureglam.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Palma-de-Mallorca-beautiful-Terrace-Terrasse-Skyline-Es-Vi-Restaurant-Dinner-005-1024x682.jpg" />Tapas und spanische Tradition im “Es Vi” – Castillo Son Vida

Dinner Option – Palma de Mallorca – Terrasse – Skyline Palma – Es Vi Restaurant – Tapas and View

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - E" data-image-title="Dinner Option – Palma de Mallorca – Terrasse – Skyline Palma – E" align="left" data-orig-file="http://www.pureglam.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Palma-de-Mallorca-beautiful-Terrace-Terrasse-Skyline-Es-Vi-Restaurant-Dinner-006.jpg" style="width:316px; height:210px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="http://www.pureglam.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Palma-de-Mallorca-beautiful-Terrace-Terrasse-Skyline-Es-Vi-Restaurant-Dinner-006-300x200.jpg" data-original-height="210" alt="Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - Es Vi Restaurant - Tapas and View" data-original-width="316" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"1.6","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - Es Vi Restaurant - Tapas and View","created_timestamp":"1401915287","copyright":"www.markblake-photo.com - all rights reserved","focal_length":"50","iso":"200","shutter_speed":"0.00125","title":"Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - E"}" data-large-file="http://www.pureglam.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Palma-de-Mallorca-beautiful-Terrace-Terrasse-Skyline-Es-Vi-Restaurant-Dinner-006-1024x682.jpg" />Tapas und spanische Tradition im “Es Vi” – Castillo Son Vida

Dinner Option – Palma de Mallorca – Terrasse – Skyline Palma – Es Vi Restaurant – Tapas and View

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - E" data-image-title="Dinner Option – Palma de Mallorca – Terrasse – Skyline Palma – E" align="left" data-orig-file="http://www.pureglam.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Palma-de-Mallorca-beautiful-Terrace-Terrasse-Skyline-Es-Vi-Restaurant-Dinner-007.jpg" style="width:316px; height:211px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="http://www.pureglam.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Palma-de-Mallorca-beautiful-Terrace-Terrasse-Skyline-Es-Vi-Restaurant-Dinner-007-300x200.jpg" data-original-height="211" alt="Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - Es Vi Restaurant - Tapas and View" data-original-width="316" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"1.6","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - Es Vi Restaurant - Tapas and View","created_timestamp":"1401915313","copyright":"www.markblake-photo.com - all rights reserved","focal_length":"50","iso":"200","shutter_speed":"0.0025","title":"Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - E"}" data-large-file="http://www.pureglam.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Palma-de-Mallorca-beautiful-Terrace-Terrasse-Skyline-Es-Vi-Restaurant-Dinner-007-1024x682.jpg" />Tapas und spanische Tradition im “Es Vi” – Castillo Son Vida

Dinner Option – Palma de Mallorca – Terrasse – Skyline Palma – Es Vi Restaurant – Tapas and View

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - E" data-image-title="Dinner Option – Palma de Mallorca – Terrasse – Skyline Palma – E" align="left" data-orig-file="http://www.pureglam.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Palma-de-Mallorca-beautiful-Terrace-Terrasse-Skyline-Es-Vi-Restaurant-Dinner-008.jpg" style="width:302px; height:201px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="http://www.pureglam.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Palma-de-Mallorca-beautiful-Terrace-Terrasse-Skyline-Es-Vi-Restaurant-Dinner-008-300x200.jpg" data-original-height="201" alt="Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - Es Vi Restaurant - Tapas and View" data-original-width="302" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - Es Vi Restaurant - Tapas and View","created_timestamp":"1401916390","copyright":"www.markblake-photo.com - all rights reserved","focal_length":"50","iso":"200","shutter_speed":"0.01","title":"Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - E"}" data-large-file="http://www.pureglam.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Palma-de-Mallorca-beautiful-Terrace-Terrasse-Skyline-Es-Vi-Restaurant-Dinner-008-1024x682.jpg" />Tapas und spanische Tradition im “Es Vi” – Castillo Son Vida

Dinner Option – Palma de Mallorca – Terrasse – Skyline Palma – Es Vi Restaurant – Tapas and View

" data-orig-size="1200,1800" title="Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - E" data-image-title="Dinner Option – Palma de Mallorca – Terrasse – Skyline Palma – E" align="left" data-orig-file="http://www.pureglam.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Palma-de-Mallorca-beautiful-Terrace-Terrasse-Skyline-Es-Vi-Restaurant-Dinner-009.jpg" style="width:134px; height:201px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="http://www.pureglam.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Palma-de-Mallorca-beautiful-Terrace-Terrasse-Skyline-Es-Vi-Restaurant-Dinner-009-200x300.jpg" data-original-height="201" alt="Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - Es Vi Restaurant - Tapas and View" data-original-width="134" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"22","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - Es Vi Restaurant - Tapas and View","created_timestamp":"1401916907","copyright":"www.markblake-photo.com - all rights reserved","focal_length":"50","iso":"16000","shutter_speed":"0.025","title":"Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - E"}" data-large-file="http://www.pureglam.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Palma-de-Mallorca-beautiful-Terrace-Terrasse-Skyline-Es-Vi-Restaurant-Dinner-009-682x1024.jpg" />Tapas und spanische Tradition im “Es Vi” – Castillo Son Vida

Dinner Option – Palma de Mallorca – Terrasse – Skyline Palma – Es Vi Restaurant – Tapas and View

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - E" data-image-title="Dinner Option – Palma de Mallorca – Terrasse – Skyline Palma – E" align="left" data-orig-file="http://www.pureglam.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Palma-de-Mallorca-beautiful-Terrace-Terrasse-Skyline-Es-Vi-Restaurant-Dinner-010.jpg" style="width:302px; height:201px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="http://www.pureglam.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Palma-de-Mallorca-beautiful-Terrace-Terrasse-Skyline-Es-Vi-Restaurant-Dinner-010-300x200.jpg" data-original-height="201" alt="Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - Es Vi Restaurant - Tapas and View" data-original-width="302" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"1.4","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - Es Vi Restaurant - Tapas and View","created_timestamp":"1401917261","copyright":"www.markblake-photo.com - all rights reserved","focal_length":"50","iso":"400","shutter_speed":"0.02","title":"Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - E"}" data-large-file="http://www.pureglam.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Palma-de-Mallorca-beautiful-Terrace-Terrasse-Skyline-Es-Vi-Restaurant-Dinner-010-1024x682.jpg" />Tapas und spanische Tradition im “Es Vi” – Castillo Son Vida

Dinner Option – Palma de Mallorca – Terrasse – Skyline Palma – Es Vi Restaurant – Tapas and View

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - E" data-image-title="Dinner Option – Palma de Mallorca – Terrasse – Skyline Palma – E" align="left" data-orig-file="http://www.pureglam.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Palma-de-Mallorca-beautiful-Terrace-Terrasse-Skyline-Es-Vi-Restaurant-Dinner-011.jpg" style="width:497px; height:331px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="http://www.pureglam.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Palma-de-Mallorca-beautiful-Terrace-Terrasse-Skyline-Es-Vi-Restaurant-Dinner-011-300x200.jpg" data-original-height="331" alt="Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - Es Vi Restaurant - Tapas and View" data-original-width="497" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"1.4","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - Es Vi Restaurant - Tapas and View","created_timestamp":"1401918567","copyright":"www.markblake-photo.com - all rights reserved","focal_length":"50","iso":"1000","shutter_speed":"0.02","title":"Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - E"}" data-large-file="http://www.pureglam.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Palma-de-Mallorca-beautiful-Terrace-Terrasse-Skyline-Es-Vi-Restaurant-Dinner-011-1024x682.jpg" />Tapas und spanische Tradition im “Es Vi” – Castillo Son Vida

Dinner Option – Palma de Mallorca – Terrasse – Skyline Palma – Es Vi Restaurant – Tapas and View

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - E" data-image-title="Dinner Option – Palma de Mallorca – Terrasse – Skyline Palma – E" align="left" data-orig-file="http://www.pureglam.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Palma-de-Mallorca-beautiful-Terrace-Terrasse-Skyline-Es-Vi-Restaurant-Dinner-012.jpg" style="width:245px; height:163px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="http://www.pureglam.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Palma-de-Mallorca-beautiful-Terrace-Terrasse-Skyline-Es-Vi-Restaurant-Dinner-012-300x200.jpg" data-original-height="163" alt="" data-original-width="245" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"1.6","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - Es Vi Restaurant - Tapas and View","created_timestamp":"1401921008","copyright":"www.markblake-photo.com - all rights reserved","focal_length":"50","iso":"3200","shutter_speed":"0.025","title":"Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - E"}" data-large-file="http://www.pureglam.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Palma-de-Mallorca-beautiful-Terrace-Terrasse-Skyline-Es-Vi-Restaurant-Dinner-012-1024x682.jpg" />Tapas und spanische Tradition im “Es Vi” – Castillo Son Vida

Dinner Option – Palma de Mallorca – Terrasse – Skyline Palma – Es Vi Restaurant – Tapas and View

" data-orig-size="1200,800" title="Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - E" data-image-title="Dinner Option – Palma de Mallorca – Terrasse – Skyline Palma – E" align="left" data-orig-file="http://www.pureglam.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Palma-de-Mallorca-beautiful-Terrace-Terrasse-Skyline-Es-Vi-Restaurant-Dinner-013.jpg" style="width:245px; height:164px;" data-recalc-dims="1" data-medium-file="http://www.pureglam.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Palma-de-Mallorca-beautiful-Terrace-Terrasse-Skyline-Es-Vi-Restaurant-Dinner-013-300x200.jpg" data-original-height="164" alt="Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - Es Vi Restaurant - Tapas and View" data-original-width="245" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"1.4","credit":"Mark Blake Photo","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - Es Vi Restaurant - Tapas and View","created_timestamp":"1401921059","copyright":"www.markblake-photo.com - all rights reserved","focal_length":"50","iso":"1600","shutter_speed":"0.02","title":"Dinner Option - Palma de Mallorca - Terrasse - Skyline Palma - E"}" data-large-file="http://www.pureglam.tv/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Palma-de-Mallorca-beautiful-Terrace-Terrasse-Skyline-Es-Vi-Restaurant-Dinner-013-1024x682.jpg" />Tapas und spanische Tradition im “Es Vi” – Castillo Son Vida

Dinner Option – Palma de Mallorca – Terrasse – Skyline Palma – Es Vi Restaurant – Tapas and View

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