E Let me show you my latest masterpiece - just joking, actually it's just my last school artprojekt. The topic wss Surrealism and the task was to make one or multiple drops of black ink on a piece of paper and create a picture out of that, which is realistic, but also surreal. So I made a huge flying island out of it and the rest just came naturally. Thats what I like about surrealism: trying to let the subconscious work. So what do you see in the picture? I see a flying island - like I already said - with a psychiatric building on it, behind it there are all the patients, you can just see their eyes. The huge face in the front is from a patient who broke out of the psychiatric building. The house on the right island is something like an locked ward. I really didn't think of those things while drawing, but I think it makes sense. I look forward to hear from you what you see in the picture!
D Heute zeige ich euch mein letztes Meisterwerk - Scherz, eigentlich ist es mein letztes Kunstprojekt in der Schule. Das Thema war Surrealismus und die Aufgabe war einen oder mehrere Tropfen Tusche auf ein Blatt zu tropfen und ein Bild daraus zu machen, welches räumlich aber surreal ist. Ich habe eine riesige fliegende Insel daraus gemacht und der Rest kam von ganz alleine. Das ist der Punkt, was ich am Surrealismus mag: Es wird versucht das Unterbewusstsein arbeiten zu lassen.Was seht ihr in dem Bild?Ich sehe eine fliegende Insel - wie ich ja schon gesagt habe - mit einer Psychiatrie darauf, dahinter befinden sich die Patienten, von denen man nur die Augen sieht. Das große Gesicht im Vordergrund ist ein ausgebrochener Patient. Das Haus auf der rechten Insel ist so etwas wie eine geschlossene Abteilung. Ich habe wirklich nicht über diese Dinge nach gedacht, während ich gemalt habe, aber irgendwie macht es so Sinn für mich. Ich freue mich darauf zu hören, was ihr in dem Bild seht!
E Let me show you my latest masterpiece - just joking, actually it's just my last school artprojekt. The topic wss Surrealism and the task was to make one or multiple drops of black ink on a piece of paper and create a picture out of that, which is realistic, but also surreal. So I made a huge flying island out of it and the rest just came naturally. Thats what I like about surrealism: trying to let the subconscious work. So what do you see in the picture? I see a flying island - like I already said - with a psychiatric building on it, behind it there are all the patients, you can just see their eyes. The huge face in the front is from a patient who broke out of the psychiatric building. The house on the right island is something like an locked ward. I really didn't think of those things while drawing, but I think it makes sense. I look forward to hear from you what you see in the picture!
E Let me show you my latest masterpiece - just joking, actually it's just my last school artprojekt. The topic wss Surrealism and the task was to make one or multiple drops of black ink on a piece of paper and create a picture out of that, which is realistic, but also surreal. So I made a huge flying island out of it and the rest just came naturally. Thats what I like about surrealism: trying to let the subconscious work. So what do you see in the picture? I see a flying island - like I already said - with a psychiatric building on it, behind it there are all the patients, you can just see their eyes. The huge face in the front is from a patient who broke out of the psychiatric building. The house on the right island is something like an locked ward. I really didn't think of those things while drawing, but I think it makes sense. I look forward to hear from you what you see in the picture!