Streetart von VladyArt

Streetart von VladyArt

Das schöne an Streetart ist doch, dass man auch ohne Knete im Portmonee kreativ sein kann. Der gebürtige Italiener hinter dem Decknamen VladyArt ist da ein gutes Beispiel. Seine Kunst ist simpel, aber trotzdem wird sie auf den Straßen von Irland, Finnland, Italien, Deutschland und den U.S.A wahrgenommen. 

Born in Catania (isle of Sicily, Italy), VladyArt is a visual artist active mainly in urban/public art. After completing the Art High School in his home town, he moved to study Fine Art in Milan’s Academy, were he graduated in 2001 (BFA in Decoration, with honors). In 2003, just before moving to Ireland, starts his post academic project called VladyArt, gradually abandoning the studio painting and drawing for the outdoor and photography. His street art genre started only by the end of 2005. VladyArt’s goal is to subvert, disrupt, disturb the common sense and the common order, with humor and sarcasm, often focusing on the new media and the arts itself. His ironic and communicative touch was spotted in Ireland, Finland, Italy, Germany, U.S.A.

Streetart von VladyArt

Streetart von VladyArt

Streetart von VladyArt

Streetart von VladyArt

Streetart von VladyArt

Streetart von VladyArt

Streetart von VladyArt

Streetart von VladyArt

Streetart von VladyArt

Streetart von VladyArt

Streetart von VladyArt

Streetart von VladyArt

Streetart von VladyArt

Streetart von VladyArt


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