Anstonsten kann ich noch von einem ungewollten Friseurunfall berichten, der mich die Hälfte meiner Haare gekostet hat. Die Frisörin, hat mir extreme Stufen verpasst, die kürzesten circa 5cm. Da sich meine Haare jetzt viel mehr locken, habe ich einen 80er Jahre Dauerwellepuschel auf dem Kopf. Die Haare wachsen ja Gott sei Dank wieder, aber in der nächsten Zeit ist wohl erstmal Zopf angesagt :D
// Two weeks ago I changed to another internship at a different company. This is now a Fashion PR agency and I am very happy there. It is located in Camden Town and so I can spend my lunch break at the Camden Market. I really enjoy trying all the different foods from all over the world and the weather is incredibly good considering it is already October.I can't believe that I just have two weeks left until I return to Germany. Time flies so quickly! Next week will be my last week of the internship, so I can use the last seven days to do the last remaining points of my must-do-list and to spend three days of it with my best friend in Spain.