Star Wars: The Old Republic Complete Guide Package

 Star Wars: The Old Republic Complete Guide PackageDOWNLOADWe guarantee a reply within 24 hours, although we’re usually much faster. In order to contact us, please write a message here.

This is a package offer currently consisting of 26 guides. Compared to buying all the single guides, you save about 93% by buying this package:
The Star Wars: The Old Republic Complete Guide Package includes every Star Wars: The Old Republic Guide available on Killer Guides, as well as all future releases and updates. Stay current and updated on the latest strategies, releases and future expansions. Available to you will also be new guides that are added to this game free-of-charge. Everytime there are changes, a newsletter will be personally sent out to you revealing new guides, updates or news regarding the game. Get the SWTOR Complete Guide Package today, save your money and look forward to new additions soon! Bundle includes: 1 strategy guide, 1 credits guide, 8 class guide bundles which include 16 advanced class guides

Can’t wait to hit the level cap and head into end-game flashpoints? Had absolutely enough of dying over and over again? Looking for the best strategies to manage your crew? Don’t go any further … more

Are you looking to level up faster or just out to earn some easy credits? Have you wondered what the easiest (or … more

The name of the game is blasters and cannons for this line of specialization. The Commando is a powerful class capable of doing huge damage on the battlefield. With their extreme firepower and excess … more

In SWTOR, nothing beats starting out strong from the very beginning, and starting out strong means having all the credits you need to spend on skills, weapons, items or even respecs. No matter what … more

Never wasting an opportunity to take advantage of all situations possible, the SWTOR Gunslinger is in it for the win because that’s all that counts. No matter the strategy, this gun-flinging dual … more

Can’t decide whether to advance as an Operative or as a Sniper? Not sure where exactly the next piece of epic … more

Please note: This is a 2-in-1 bundle that consists of the Jedi Sage and the Jedi Shadow. If leveling up to the next level is beginning to get to you, that’s definitely a sign for you to take action. … more

Like a wall of morality, the Jedi Guardian stands tall and firm in the face of imminent danger–a wall protecting the people of the Republic from their enemies. With skillful use of the Force, … more

Please note: This is a 2-in-1 bundle that consists of the Jedi Guardian and the Jedi Sentinel. Is either of your Jedi Knights, the Guardian and Sentinel, missing out on the better light sabers? Sick … more

One of the two Jedi Consular advanced classes, the Sage, is actually quite different from the regular Jedi. Rather than using the lightsaber for combat, the SWTOR Sage focuses all his energy into … more

Can’t seem to picture how wielding dual Lightsabers can be an advantage? Ever wonder how you can defend against long range attacks with no protective shield? Learn how these questions will no longer … more

Wondering how other Jedi Shadows do it when it some to speed-leveling? Getting tired of being attacked out of nowhere, and getting hit hard? Well, get this SWTOR Jedi Shadow Booklet and learn how the … more

The SWTOR Mercenary is in it to deal full damage and wreak havoc. In other words, the Mercenary’s best defense is its offense. If you’re having a hard time proving this fact, then seriously consider … more

Wondering what the Imperial Agent advanced class, the Operative, has in store for you? Want to quickly get your Operative to level 50? Then don’t go without this Star Wars: The Old Republic Operative … more

If you feel like being the protector of the team, why not start with this advanced class? The Powertech is the so-called tanker of the team. It focuses heavily on shields, armors and the use of … more

The Scoundrel is no doubt one of the more risky specializations to play. Due to its nature, the Scoundrel never has time for… Read more…

Star Wars: The Old Republic Complete Guide Package

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