smorrebrod: the king of sandwich with evi´s cucumbers // könig der butterbrote mit evis gurken


unfortunately we will have no own cucumbers this years. i don´t know why but it did not work out this year. but luckily my husbands aunt evi is a highly gifted gardener and brought, besides some courgettes, artichokes (!) and eggplants (!), many cucumbers. we met her in austria … and yes we travelled back with all these vegetables in our hand baggage. but they looked too appetizing not to cook with them at home.

back to the north, our fish vendor (finally!) re-opened after his summer holidays and this nordish sandwich came into my mind. so i combined the austrian cucumber with some north sea shrimps (or sometimes referred to as german shrimp or brown shrimps) and created this simple and delightful smorrebrod.

per person:

1 slice of dark bread
1 tsp butter
1 tsp yoghurt
1 tsp mayonnaise
some slices cucumber
50 g north sea shrimp

spread the butter on the slice of bread. combine yoghurt and mayonnaise and add the mixture as the next layer. alternatively you can take some cream cheese. place some slices of cucumber on the yoghurt-mayonnaise and set the north sea shrimps on top. season with some pepper and sprinkle over the chive.



pro person:

1 scheibe dunkles brot
1 tl butter
1 tl joghurt
1 tl mayonnaise
einige gurkenscheiben
50 g nordseekrabben

das brot mit butter bestreichen. joghurt und mayonnaise vermischen und ebenfalls auf das brot streichen. alternativ kann man auch frischkäse verwenden. als nächstes die gurkenscheiben auf das brot legen und die nordseekrabben darauf setzen. mit pfeffer würzen und mit schnitllauch bestreuen.

guten appetit!

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