sketches, Bond and all for 39,90

Some sketches, i need to scan and upload a few newer ones i made and the other finished kiribans ^^I'm trying to achieve a more realistic look to my portrait sketches. Yesterday i finally watched skyfall. Nice one, i must say. The intro was well made. I'm looking forward for the next Bond, which will be totally new. A new M, Q and Moneypenny <3 
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Einige Skizzen, neuere müssen noch gescannt werden sowie die restlichen fertig gestellten Kiribans.Für Portraits versuche ich mich an etwas mehr Realismus.Gestern habe ich auch endlich Skyfall gesehen. Netter Film, welcher Spannend war von Anfang bis Ende. Das Intro war diesmal sehr gut gestaltet. Auf den nächsten Bond bin ich sehr gespannt, da dieser etwas neues sein wird. M, Q und Moneypenny in neuer Besetzung <3

sketches, Bond and all for 39,90
sketches, Bond and all for 39,90
Another great movie i saw yesterday was "39,90" I never heard of it, but it was really good, as it potraits the two sides of working in the advertising field. It's a french movie from 2007, and still valid nowadays. To satisfy the customers wish, if you are working in the creativefield, you sometimes need to make compromises according to your ideas. If you're seeing bad advertising (and there is LOTS of it) , either the publicity bureau is just not as good as it could or should be, or the customer had an fixed idea in his mind , and he pushes the hired advertising company to do advertising like he want's.Selling and sometimes betraying yourself and your attitude is part of the job you're doing, especially if you are working in the advertising field. This is something wich is illustrated by the movie quite good. Also using commercials as an instrument to accent the films message.Great movie all in all, and i think a must see, not only for creative people working in the advertising industry, but also for similar branches.

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sketches, Bond and all for 39,90


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