“Shadow of Night” (All Souls #2) – Deborah Harkness

I've started this series days before my vacation in Rome and even exploring an ancient city couldn't get me away from continuing with the second book.

“Shadow of Night” (All Souls #2) – Deborah HarknessWhat happens? If you haven't read the first book and want to avoid spoilers just read my Opinion (...or better not. I couldn't prevent myself from SPOILiNG) or switch to "A Discovery Of Witches".

"Historian Diana Bishop, descended from a line of powerful witches, and long-lived vampire Matthew Clairmont have broken the laws dividing creatures. When Diana discovered a significant alchemical manuscript in the Bodleian Library,she sparked a struggle in which she became bound to Matthew. Now the fragile coexistence of witches, daemons, vampires and humans is dangerously threatened.

Seeking safety, Diana and Matthew travel back in time to London, 1590. But they soon realise that the past may not provide a haven. Reclaiming his former identity as poet and spy for Queen Elizabeth, the vampire falls back in with a group of radicals known as the School of Night. Many are unruly daemons, the creative minds of the age, including playwright Christopher Marlowe and mathematician Thomas Harriot.

Together Matthew and Diana scour Tudor London for the elusive manuscript Ashmole 782, and search for the witch who will teach Diana how to control her remarkable powers..."


“Shadow of Night” (All Souls #2) – Deborah HarknessYes. Time travel? You got me!
No, seriously, the first book was an interesting journey through the dusty world of books (Diana Bishop is in love with her job) into the world of Witchcraft, Demons and hot Vampires (okay not hot HOT, but he's kind of cute). The second book is now more focused on strengthening the plot & characters.
Veeeery good.

Diana and Matthew are now officially a couple and there isn't anything worse than that (for the law keeping part). In order to get some time (ha.ha.) to think and to learn how to control a) her powers (Diana is some super-witch) b) Matthew (or Diana. Sometimes they don't get that you can't control everything!) and c) more enemies in the past (like the guy who wrote the first Faustus. He's in love with Matthew. But Matthew is in love with Diana. Sooo.... yap. Problems, people!) they travel back to the Elizabethan Times. (Remember: No showers, no baths, no real teethbrushs and and and ....)
I liked the second book ... I might've enjoyed it even more than the first one because I finally gave in and admitted to myself that I like it. Damn it. I thought my Vampire-phase was over.

You can see the characters grow and become bigger (or more bad) and surer in what they're doing (I mean Diana.). In the first book she was stumbling more or less around, didn't really know how to handle everything (but she did it quite well) and she is now facing more secrets, more magic and more totally crazy people who want her for her power or her connection to one of the mighty "Clairmonts" (Matthew in this case).

( You know what's awesome? Time travel enables you to meet people who are long dead. Like Matthews father. Or his sister (not so good) or ... Just Read it okay?)

There will be secrets (again) and occasionally you'll be reminded of the twilight-series but I can say that proudly: It's so much better!

“Shadow of Night” (All Souls #2) – Deborah Harkness

Go and read the first (If you haven't already) and second book and enjoy yourself.

Please, feel free to leave comments of any sort ! ;)

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