Seeing Nakedly the Natural State of the Great Perfection · holospirit · Coaching & Training, Beratung & Begleitung, Schulung & Persönlichkeitsentwicklung

Erstellt am 21. November 2014 von Thomas Bergmann @holospirit
Jig­me Ling­pa wro­te: Seeing Naked­ly the Natu­ral Sta­te of the Great Per­fec­ti­on: Necessa­ry Instruc­ti­ons for Begin­ners To the self- libe­ra­ted ground, the Great Per­fec­ti­on, I pro­st­ra­te wit­hout the idea of bowing. May I be bles­sed at this pre­sent moment with seeing the face of the Great Per­fec­ti­on, genui­ne refle­xi­ve awa­re­ness, free from the intel­lect. The loca­ti­on of the truth of the Great Per­fec­ti­on is the unfa­bri­ca­ted mind of the pre­sent moment, this naked radi­ant awa­re­ness its­elf, not... Zum Artikel