D Ich bin ein großer Fan von Graffiti und allen möglichen aussagekräftigen Schmierereien an Wänden in Groß- und Kleinstädten. Die meisten Leute sehen in diesen Schmierereien nur Vandalismus, aber ich finde sie können auch schön und aussagekräftig sein. Die beiden Bilder, die ich heute für euch habe, habe ich in Passau aufgenommen - ach da fällt mir ein, ich schulde euch noch einen ganzen Passau Post. Nun, die erste Schmiererei ist ziemlich eindeutig und aussagekräftig, ich glaube dazu muss ich auch nicht mehr besonders viel sagen. Wie die Pelzindustrie mit Tieren umgeht wissen wir wohl alle - auch wenn es der ein oder andere sicher verdrängt. Nun wer mehr darüber nachlesen will, dem empfehle ich Peta.Die zweite Schmiererei ist schon etwas interpretierfreudiger, ich würde sie so interpretieren, dass man lieber Blumen klauen soll als andere Dinge. Aber ich schätze da gibt es noch viel mehr, dass man hineininterpretieren könnte. Was seht ihr in dieser Schmiererei?
E I'm a huge fan of graffiti and other meaningful scribblings on city walls. Most people just think that those are vandalism, but they don't understand how pretty and meaningful scribblings can be. I took the pictures I want to show you today in Passau - oops I think I owe you a whole Passau Post. Well, the first scribbling is really meaningful by itselft - in english its: fur is murder - and I think I don't have to say much about it. We all know how cruel the manufacturing of fur is. Who doesn't know should read some articels by peta. The second scribbling is harder to interpret - and to translate, it's something like: steal flowers. I think it says, that you should steal flowers instead of other things that damage people. But there is maybe a lot more to interpret in this one. What do you see in this scribbling?
E I'm a huge fan of graffiti and other meaningful scribblings on city walls. Most people just think that those are vandalism, but they don't understand how pretty and meaningful scribblings can be. I took the pictures I want to show you today in Passau - oops I think I owe you a whole Passau Post. Well, the first scribbling is really meaningful by itselft - in english its: fur is murder - and I think I don't have to say much about it. We all know how cruel the manufacturing of fur is. Who doesn't know should read some articels by peta. The second scribbling is harder to interpret - and to translate, it's something like: steal flowers. I think it says, that you should steal flowers instead of other things that damage people. But there is maybe a lot more to interpret in this one. What do you see in this scribbling?