Sao Tome and Principe HENT DANSK Pdf gratis [ePUB/MOBI]

Von Jenny

Sao Tome and Principe

Sprog: Dansk

Hent | Læse bøger

Publikationer: 2/2016
ISBN: 3425885493990
Sider: 215
Dimensioner: 2.4 mb
Læse Online:111
Hent bøger:1110

The General Knowledge book series are designed for specific country are one of the most admired book for the Knowledge improvement and learning purpose.This book contains an information about BackgroundGeographyNatural resourcesLand useEnvironment. PopulationSex ratioflag of the countyAreaBorder countriesMaritime claimsElevation extremesLand useNatural hazardsVolcanismAge structureMedian ageNet migration rateCountry comparison to the worldReligionsLanguagesLiteracySchool life expectancy GovernmentTime differenceAdministrative divisionsExecutive branchCabinet and almost everthing related with general knowledge.

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