Samsung Galaxy Note 2: 50 GB Dropboxspeicher kostenlos


Auf IFA 2012 in Berlin hat Samsung mit dem Galaxy Note 2 einen würdigen Nachfolger des erfolgreichen Phablets vorgestellt.

Wie der beliebte Cloud-Dienst Dropbox jetzt via Pressemitteilung verlauten ließ, gibt es für Käufer eines Galaxy Note 2 noch ein kleines Extra oben drauf. Wie schon beim Samsung Galaxy S3 werden auf Besitzer eines Note 2 oder einer Galaxy Camera mit kostenlosen 50 GB Speicherplatz versorgt. Ein kleiner Nachteil: Der zusätzliche Speicher ist nur für zwei Jahre gültig. Danach wird die Speichergröße wieder angepasst. Aber wie sagt man so schön? Einem geschenkten Gaul, schaut man nicht ins Maul.

Hier findet ihr die komplette Pressemitteilung:

Dropbox Announces Deep Integration with New Samsung Galaxy Camera and Galaxy Note II

First time integration allows users to sync and share photos across all Samsung devices

SAN FRANCISCO–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Dropbox, a free service that lets you bring your documents, photos and videos everywhere and share them easily, today announced an integration with the recently released Samsung Galaxy Camera and Galaxy Note II. With these integrations, Dropbox users can now enjoy a seamless content syncing experience across all Samsung devices.

Earlier in the year Samsung’s flagship model Galaxy S III as well as the Galaxy tablet range launched with Dropbox embedded. This means when people start their device for the first time they get asked if Dropbox should sync their photos and videos automatically giving the user peace of mind that their precious memories are with them at all times.

“The most important thing to us is to provide our users with the ability to have a seamless experience across the many mobile devices they use and this partnership shows our mutual commitment to offering Samsung users the best possible experience,” said Lars Fjeldsoe-Nielsen, Head of Mobile Business Development at Dropbox. “These integrations with Samsung’s latest Wi-Fi and 4G enabled camera and Galaxy Note II means Dropbox users can rest assured their photos and videos will be with them anytime, anywhere.”

Through these integrations, users will receive Dropbox out-of-the-box on both the Galaxy Camera and Note II. Additionally, for the first time ever, the Galaxy Note II will automatically sync photos and videos stored in Dropbox with the Gallery application. This means that as soon as the Gallery is opened, users will be able to effortlessly access all their photos already stored in their Dropbox. This gives people a personalized experience as soon as they open the photo and video gallery.

People who purchase the new eligible Samsung Galaxy Camera and Galaxy Note II and complete the Dropbox get started guide ( can get 50 GB free space for two years.

- via Engadet -

Samsung Galaxy Note 2: 50 GB Dropboxspeicher kostenlos

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