Ron Trent pays tribute to Brazilian heroes Azymuth for VF Mix 52

Erstellt am 25. Juli 2016 von Uwe Reuß @SOULGURUsounds

Chicago legend Ron Trent has put together this epic one hour tribute mix that connects 1975's masterpiece Azimüth with Milestone classics like Light As A Feather and Outubro and the band's more recent, mid-90s output on Far Out.

01. Azymuth - 'O Pescador' (Light As A Feather)
02. Azymuth - 'Festa Nativa' (Woodland Warrior)
03. Azymuth - 'Faca De Conta' (Azimuth)
04. Azymuth - 'Tamborim Cuíca Ganza Berimbau' (Águia Não Come Mosca)
05. Azymuth - 'Country Road (Chão de Terra)' (Telecommunication)
06. Azymuth - 'Un Amigo (A Friend)' (Outubro)
07. Azymuth - 'Águia Não Come Mosca' (Águia Não Come Mosca)
08. Azymuth - 'Jazz Carnival' (Light As A Feather)
09. Azymuth - 'Carambola' (Pieces Of Ipanema)
10. Azymuth - 'Avenida Das Mangueiras' (Light As A Feather)
11. Azymuth - 'The House I Lived In' (A Casa Em Que Vivi) (Telecommunication)
12. Azymuth - 'Last Summer In Rio' (Telecommunication)
13. Azymuth - 'Laranjeiras' (Woodland Warrior)

About The Author


aka SOULGURU // straight outta Coburg (Oberfranken) // wohnhaft in der Nähe von Stuttgart // Jahrgang 61 // musikbegeistert seit früher Kindheit // hauptberuflich in leitender Stellung als Logistiker tätig // Vater von 2 Söhnen // Musik-Blogger seit 2009