Robert Downey Jr. über Iron Man in “Captain America: Civil War”

Erstellt am 17. Februar 2015 von Denis Sasse @filmtogo

EMPIRE hatte die Möglichkeit im Januar mit Robert Downey Jr. über seine Rolle des Tony Stark/Iron Man im Marvel Cinematic Universe zu sprechen und gerade mit dem Entwicklungen um Ultron im kommenden The Avengers-Sequel ist es spannend zu sehen, wie sich Tony Stark innerhalb des Franchises verändern wird. Denn wie wir wissen, wird er in Captain America: Civil War gegen Steve Rogers gestellt, übernimmt also eine Art Bösewicht-Funktion.

"Yeah. Again, it's natural to change your views. The main thing to me is, and this is where I think the Russos are quite brilliant and where Kevin backed the play, is what sort of incident could occur and what sort of framework could we find Tony in? The clues are in Ultron about where we might find him next. But what would it take for Tony to completely turn around everything he's stood for, quote-unquote, because he was the right-wing guy who could still do his own thing. When the first Iron Man came out the liberals and conservatives were both like, 'You're our guy'. Yes! Score! But the idea of Tony being able to march into Washington and say, 'I'll sign up', wouldn't have made sense if the political climate in the real world hadn't shifted the way it has. It's a little bit of things following a real world continuum in, 'What would you do?' There's always the bigger overarching question, that Joss brings up all the time - it's kind of weird that these guys would have all these throw downs all over planet Earth and it looked like a little collateral damage happened over there, and yet when the movie's over, it's like nobody minds. You have to figure, 'Were you to ask the question, what would the American government do if this were real? Wouldn't it be interesting to see Tony doing something you wouldn't imagine?'"

Und über die Möglichkeit Iron Man tatsächlich als Bösewicht in Captain America: Civil War zu sehen.

I wouldn't put it that way. Ultimately it's Steve's story; it doesn't say 'Iron Man 4: Civil War'. I think that's great too. I think Chris [Evans] has been hungry to bring even more of an underside and some shadow to that. I remember the comics - on the surface you got the sense that Cap was baseball and apple pie, but underneath there was all this churning stuff of being a man out of time. Now we know he's made his peace with that. What's the bigger issue? It can have a little something to do with the past, but it can be about someone becoming more modernised in their own conflict.

Robert Downey Jr. spricht in dem Interview auch noch über The Avengers: Age of Ultron, über seine Zusammenarbeit mit James Spader, der Ultron verkörpern wird, sowie über die Beziehung zwischen Iron Man und The Vision, der aus JARVIS hervorgehen wird.

Ich finde die Idee die etablierten Helden des MCU aufeinander prallen zu lassen gerade vor dem Hintergrund interessant, dass sie für den dritten The Avengers-Film und Zweiteiler Infinity War wieder gemeinsame Sache machen müssen. Es ist also quasi wie im ersten The Avengers-Film, nur etwas intensiviert, dass sich die Helden erst ordentlich raufen müssen um dann der großen Bedrohung (im Infinity War wird das natürlich Thanos sein) als Gruppe entgegen zu treten. Dass dabei Robert Downey Jr., also der MCU-Urheld, die antagonistische Rolle für Cap übernehmen darf, ist die wohl konsequenteste Entscheidung.

Was meint ihr? Gibt uns Downey Jr. mit der Neuausrichtung Iron Mans einen guten Gegenpart zu Captain America in Civil War? Hinterlasst eure Gedanken in den Kommentaren und auf geht's zur heiteren Diskussion. Ihr könnt mir auch gerne auf @Facebook oder @Twitter schreiben.