- heute morgen schon die Sonne geschienen hat
- Spiele aus Großmutters Zeiten doch schon immer die besten waren
- ein Lächeln mehr zählt als tausend Worte
- meine Lieblingsjahreszeit beginnt, du lieber Herbst
- ich einen neuen Lieblingsshop gefunden habe...Vintage, ich liebe Dich ...
- weihnachtlicher Küchenzauber heute auf den Boden fiel...;)...
- und weil ohne Musik unser Leben nur halb so schön wäre, oder?

Yes, I'll still walk behind you ..., lovley time ...;)... on Monday the Retrofriday ... wow and at the weekend i felt with a flour-smeared face like in a big bakery .. Princess muffins on the assembly line ... I´m not sure how there were now 24 or 48 ... glitter beads, where the eye can see ... and now I'm so tired ...;)...but happy because ...
- This morningthe sunwas alreadyshining
- Grandma's games are always the best
- A smileisworth than a thousandword
- Myfavorite seasonstarts, oh lovley autumn
- I've found a new favorite shop...vintage, I like you ...
- Christmas"Küchenzauber"fellto the floortoday...;)...
- Andbecause our lives wouldonly behalf as goodwithout music,right?
... thank you Steffiand Okka ... your new Friday column inspired me also on Monday as well as a look forward to the next weekend ... and now I'm gone ... today just quick, painless, but with all my heart and a smile on my face I'll send you one lucky sparkle over ... maybe it is contagious, who knows ...;)... hope your week is not too stressful ... until later ...
(images by frauheuberg 2011, music by youtube)