Da habe ich doch die letzten Posts sehr ausgiebig über die kreative Männerwelt um uns herum berichtet. Also sind jetzt mal wieder wir Mädels dran, oder was meint ihr? Lust auf ein bisschen Pastel, ein bisschen Retro...soft und pure...Lola´s Room lässt uns vom Frühling träumen, wenn auch draußen noch die Welt in weiß gehüllt ist...Lola´s Room das ist die magische Welt der Photographin Cassia Beck, die einen entführt auf eine Reise zu den ganz alltäglichen Dingen im Leben...bei ihr träumt man sich einfach weg und lässt sich inspirieren die Dinge mal mit anderen Augen zu sehen...das ganz besondere im Kleinen...und dann hat man vielleicht Lust am Wochenende mal wieder in alten Koffern zu stöbern, einfach mal zu naschen, die Beine hochzulegen und den kleinen Dingen einen tieferen Sinn zu geben...einfach nur so...also macht es euch gemütlich, vielleicht mit diesem Song und genießt...bis nächste Woche...;)...
Since I do have the last posts most extensively reported on the creative man's world around us, we are now ready to turn back once again to the girls. What do you think? ...mabye a bit of pastel, a bit of retro ... soft and pure ... Lola´s Room makes us dream of spring, even if the world outside is wrapped in white ... Lola´s Room, this is the magical world of the photographer Cassia Beck which takes us on a journey to the everyday things in life ...with her photography you dream you away easily and be inspired to see things differently ... the very special in the small ... and then you might like once again to rummage in old suitcases at the weekend, just to pinch a bit, put your feet up and give the little things a deeper meaning ... just so ... so make you comfortable, perhaps with this song and enjoy ... until next week ...;)...
(images by Lola´s Room, Cassia Beck has also an own blog and flickraccount...magical and exciting..., music by youtube)
Since I do have the last posts most extensively reported on the creative man's world around us, we are now ready to turn back once again to the girls. What do you think? ...mabye a bit of pastel, a bit of retro ... soft and pure ... Lola´s Room makes us dream of spring, even if the world outside is wrapped in white ... Lola´s Room, this is the magical world of the photographer Cassia Beck which takes us on a journey to the everyday things in life ...with her photography you dream you away easily and be inspired to see things differently ... the very special in the small ... and then you might like once again to rummage in old suitcases at the weekend, just to pinch a bit, put your feet up and give the little things a deeper meaning ... just so ... so make you comfortable, perhaps with this song and enjoy ... until next week ...;)...
(images by Lola´s Room, Cassia Beck has also an own blog and flickraccount...magical and exciting..., music by youtube)