Reisewörtliches von Profis (33)

Von Andreaskuehn @DE_Globetrotter

Die beiden US-Amerikaner David & Veronica James sind seit mehr als drei Jahrzehnten verheiratet und erleben - wie sie selbst sagen "die Kollision der Baby Boomer mit leeren Nestern". Nachem sie ihr jüngstes von drei Kindern aufs College geschickt hatten, wollten sie sich nicht geruhsam im leeren Nest einrichten. Sie verkauften ihr Hab und Gut (Haus inklusive) - und machten sich auf einen neuen Weg. Das jetzt folgende Kapitel im Buch ihres Lebens nennen die beiden Zigeuner-Dasein.
Wo lebt man, wenn das traute Heim verkauft ist? "Da wir im Moment kein Haus haben, wir sind immer unterwegs", sagt David. "Wir bleiben in unserem Wohnmobil, wenn wir in Nordamerika sind. Wenn wir eine Auslandsreise antreten, parken wir das Wohnmobil in einem Park & ​​Fly-Hotel oder in einer Halle. Diese Reisen sind völlig unterschiedlich, aber in der Regel zwischen zwei Wochen und einem Monat."
Veronica ergänzt: "Es ist schwer zu erklären, wie das alles funktioniert. Aber es funktioniert gut! Wir planen nicht sehr weit voraus und versuchen, immer flexibel zu bleiben. Wir hatten uns gesagt: 'Der Plan ist, nicht zu planen.' Damit leben wir bis jetzt sehr gut."
Das Paar arbeitet jetzt Vollzeit an seiner Webseite. Ihr erstes Buch ist inzwischen ebenfalls erschienen:
Going Gypsy: One Couple's Adventure from Empty Nest to No Nest at All

"Ein wunderbarer Nebeneffekt unseres neuen Lebensstils ist, dass wir in der Lage sind, uns selbst wieder zu entdecken, genau wie die lebenslustigen Jugendlichen zu sein, die sich vor drei Jahrzehnten verliebten", sagt David. "Jeden Tag bringt etwas Neues."

1. Backpack or suitcase?
We use both, mainly rolling carry-on bags. The backpack keeps things like computers and iPads available while traveling, and is always handy to have for short hikes and day trips. However, our days of long-haul trekking with fifty pounds on our backs are probably behind us but, we never say never. Who knows, we might end up spending a month in the wilderness sometime, but it's not in our plans.
2. That definitely needs to be at my destination:
We always try to have Wi-Fi. But since we are able to create our own hot spot with our phone if we need to, we'd have to say coffee!
3. From this place I was unexpectedly surprised:
Newfoundland was surprising for many reasons. One was how big it is. We spent several weeks driving across the island and still didn't come near seeing it all. Another was the differences between the beautiful landscapes from one area and another. But mostly, we were amazed by how incredibly friendly, helpful, and welcoming everybody was. Truly the nicest people we have ever encountered.
4. My next journey will take me to:
We are heading to Holland and Belgium in April for a Viking River Cruise, and are very excited to be going to Africa later this year with Discover Corps. It will be our first time on the continent and make six of the seven continents visited for us. Still have to get to Antarctica!
5. Where I really do not have to travel again:
We haven't been to a place that we couldn't find something to like about. That said, usually once we've seen a place we are more excited to move on to somewhere new. So we don't really have plans to go back to anywhere we have already been. It doesn't mean we didn't like them, we just like to see new things.
6. The agony of choice: Tuscany or Patagonia?
Tuscany is fabulous, and we have spent quite a bit of time enjoying the food, wine, art, and countryside. On the other hand, we have yet to see Patagonia, so for us the choice is simple. Patagonia.
7. The travel destination in future:
Checking Africa off of our list will be huge for us, and then we would love to explore Britain, Scotland, and Ireland. Both of our family trees can be traced back there so it would be almost like a homecoming for us. Veronica still needs Alaska and Hawaii to round out visiting all fifty states, so those are on our list as well.
8. Sail or cruise ship?
We love the water and have had the pleasure of seeing a lot of the world by cruise ship, we haven't had the chance to sail as much as we'd like to. Sailing, especially on a big ship, would be fun.
9. I never will eat it again:
Silkworms, that's the easiest answer ever. They were without a doubt the worst thing we have ever tried - and we've tried a lot of interesting food!
10. Where everybody should have been once in a lifetime:
There are so many great places, but we would have to say the Galapagos Islands. Of course the amazing variety of unique animals is the main attraction, but the islands are an incredible study in geology too. The active volcanos provide unbelievable opportunities to stand on some of the newest land on the planet.
Finally, our favorite travel quote:
Mark Twain once said, "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness." That's a great thought, and we have found it to be very true.
We also like "The plan is no plans," which is from our bookGoing Gypsy: One Couple's Adventure from Empty Nest to No Nest at All. That saying summed up our attitude as we first set out on our journey. It seems to have been true also, because we certainly didn't plan to be traveling full-time six years later.

Schreibender vielreisender Backpacker und Reisemobilist